吳文琪Wu, Wen-Chi華婉伃Hua, Wan-Yu2024-12-172029-08-132024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d02745336d45b5e1939866790087156e/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122311在校園霸凌事件中,教師扮演至關重要的角色。他們不僅是霸凌防制計畫的關鍵執行者,也是霸凌事件發生時身處第一線的專業人士,能直接或間接地影響學生對霸凌的態度和行為。過去研究指出培訓及自我效能是解釋教師如何因應霸凌的重要因素,且培訓可能透過自我效能影響教師對霸凌的反應。然而,過去不一致的研究結果也顯示培訓、自我效能和教師對霸凌的反應三者間的關係錯綜複雜,尚未完全理解,變項間或許仍有其他因素影響他們之間的關係。此外,培訓、自我效能與教師反應三者間之關係可能會受教師年齡影響,且不同年齡層的教師在接受培訓後的效果可能不同,故變項間的關係需要進一步釐清。本研究以臺灣中小學教師為對象,探討其在面對霸凌事件時的反應型態,釐清自我效能於培訓及教師對校園霸凌的反應型態之中介作用,並進一步分析此中介作用是否受教師年齡的調節。納入分析的有效樣本為600份,包括303名國小教師及297名國高中教師。使用SPSS 26.0進行探索性因素分析、描述性統計、T檢定、ANOVA,以及皮爾森相關分析。另使用PROCESS v4.2進行中介分析和調節式中介分析。結果發現:一、教師在處理霸凌事件時的反應型態可分為六種:「調停及支持受害者」、「尋求外援」、「不願學生分開」、「處罰及譴責霸凌者」、「保守處理」、「堅定表達立場」。二、自我效能在培訓對三個反應型態,即「調停及支持受害者」、「處罰及譴責霸凌者」及「堅定表達立場」,具有完全中介效果。表示培訓僅會透過增加教師的自我效能,進而使他們更願意以「調停及支持受害者」、「處罰及譴責霸凌者」及「堅定表達立場」的方式因應霸凌事件。三、在加入教師年齡作為調節變項後,培訓經由自我效能到「調停及支持受害者」、「處罰及譴責霸凌者」,以及「堅定表達立場」的間接效果仍顯著,且培訓對於「不願學生分開」的間接效果由不顯著變為顯著負相關。然而,調節式中介效果不成立,表示培訓經由自我效能到六個反應型態的間接效果不會受到教師年齡的調節。意即,不論教師的年齡,培訓皆會增加教師的自我效能,並進一步促使其更願意以「調停及支持受害者」、「願意把學生分開」、「處罰及譴責霸凌者」,以及「堅定表達立場」的方式處理霸凌。四、培訓到「調停及支持受害者」、「尋求外援」與「不願學生分開」的直接效果,受到教師年齡的調節。本研究的結果顯示,所有年齡層的教師在參與培訓後,都會直接增加他們「調停及支持受害者」、「尋求外援」與「將學生分開」的意願,但這個效果在年長(31歲以上)的教師群體中較佳。 根據本研究所發現之結果,相關單位在制定霸凌防制計畫及培訓時應考量文化背景及個人背景因素,同時應設計更有主題性的培訓課程,並著重提升所有教師的自我效能。Teachers, as key figures in educational settings, play a pivotal role in deploying anti-bullying initiatives at schools. Their responses can significantly influence students' attitudes and behaviors regarding bullying. Previous research has indicated that training and self-efficacy are crucial in shaping teachers' responses to bullying incidents. While training may boost teachers' self-efficacy and, in turn, increase their propensity to address bullying proactively, the dynamics between training, self-efficacy, and intervention strategies are intricate and not fully understood. This study, therefore, seeks to unravel the complex relationship between training, self-efficacy, and teachers' responses to bullying. Additionally, the teacher's age may impact the relationship between training, self-efficacy, and teachers' responses. It is also possible that the effectiveness of training could vary among different age groups of teachers. Previous inconclusive results highlight the need for further investigation into the moderating influences of teachers' age on the associations between bullying prevention training and both responses and self-efficacy. This study aims to explore the pathway from training through self-efficacy to the patterns of Taiwanese teachers' responses to bullying, examining how teachers' age may moderate this pathway. A total of 600 participants were included in the analysis (303 primary school teachers, and 297 secondary school teachers). We conducted exploratory factor analysis (EFA), descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlations by using SPSS26.0. The PROCESS macro for SPSS v4.2 was used to examine the mediation model and moderated mediation model. The research results were highlighted as follows: 1. This study identified six patterns of teachers' responses to bullying incidents, namely "mediating involvers," "enlisting other's help," "avoiding separating students," "punishing and condemning bullies," "responding conservatively," and "stating teachers' points affirmatively." 2. Self-efficacy fully mediates the impact of training on three proactive bullying responses: "mediating involvers," "punishing and condemning bullies," and "stating teachers' points affirmatively." 3. Teachers' age does not moderate the mediating effect of self-efficacy between training and responses to bullying.4. Teachers' age moderates the direct effect of training on teachers' responses to bullying, which was partially supported. Specifically, we found that the impact of training on "mediating involvers" and "enlisting others' help" responses was more pronounced among older teachers (31 years old and older) compared to their younger counterparts. This study contributes to the broader discourse on bullying prevention, emphasizing the importance of teacher training and the need for further research into the nuanced relationships between teacher characteristics, self-efficacy, and intervention strategies in diverse cultural settings. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that relevant authorities take into consideration cultural and individual background factors when developing anti-bullying policies and training programs. Additionally, there should be a focus on designing training courses with more specific themes, placing an emphasis on enhancing the self-efficacy of all teachers.校園霸凌教師對霸凌的反應培訓自我效能teachers' responses to bullyingtrainingself-efficacyage探討教師對校園霸凌的反應與其培訓、自我效能和年齡之關係:調節式中介模式Patterns of Teacher's Responses to School Bullying and Their Associations with Training, Self-efficacy, and Age: A Moderated Mediation Model學術論文