麥康妮Athena H.N. Mak洪禾音Hung, Ho-Yin2023-12-082023-08-042023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ae2f25849f93e3c12557c8de42813e78/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121671行政院環保署自2011年起推動辦理綠色低碳婚禮,由2011年環保署鼓勵舉辦「百年琴瑟低碳婚禮」活動、2012年推出「綠色婚禮fun地球」活動,歷經兩年的活動宣傳與推廣,至今實務及學術上未多見相關成果。本研究針對婚禮業者為主進行對於綠色婚禮的態度及策略之研究,並探討婚禮業者及婚禮消費者落實綠色服務措施時,可能遭遇的阻礙。本研究參考綠色會展、生態友善婚禮及綠色婚禮的發展與現況,將綠色婚禮服務分為五大分類:一、婚禮場地;二、餐飲設計;三、婚禮布置;四、交通運輸;五、其他措施。研究方法以質性研究為主要取徑,以個案研究為方法並採用半結構式訪談設計進行深入訪談,訪談樣本抽樣採用非隨機抽樣的立意抽樣 (purposive sampling) 及滾雪球抽樣 (snowball sampling),包含六家婚禮業者 (婚禮顧問及婚宴業者為主) 與六對婚禮消費者 (2011年後結婚夫妻及即將舉辦婚禮之新人),探索實際經驗中的綠色婚禮策略、措施執行、體驗與遭遇的阻礙,直到達到資料飽和;經由訪談及透過個案對話中了解受訪者的經驗過程,並運用主題分析法來探究重要的主題及背後的原因。本研究發現婚禮業者與消費者對於綠色婚禮態度皆有意願邁向「綠一點」的婚禮模式;阻礙因素部分,消費者來自個人內在阻礙及結構性阻礙為主,而婚禮業者則以企業內部阻礙因素為多。並歸納整理研究結論如下:一、推動綠色婚禮由認識「綠色婚禮」做起;二、盤點現有綠色服務措施可行性;三、克服綠色婚禮的阻礙因素之建議。實務操作方面期許提供政府部門在綠色認知及環保概念宣導之資訊,婚禮業者能在綠色經營策略有所參考依據;同時在學術方面填補綠色婚禮相關之研究缺口。In the recent decade, the popularity of low-carbon consumption has led to a renewed interest in green weddings via promotional campaigns launched by the Government in Taiwan. However, there is still inadequate empirical research investigating the challenges of green weddings in the views of wedding service providers and customers in Taiwan. To fill this research gap, this study attempts to provide a broader understanding of the types of service practices for green weddings and to explore strategies and obstacles to green weddings. This study has adopted a qualitative research approach with in-depth semi-structured interviews with green wedding service providers, wedding planners, and customers. The objectives of this study are: (1) to provide a comprehensive review of five main practices (selection of venue, catering, on-site décor, transport service, and other services) of green weddings, (2) to explore wedding service providers’ and consumers’ attitude towards green weddings, (3) to examine strategies for green weddings, and (4) to identify obstacles to greenweddings from service providers’ and consumers’ perspectives.This study found that both wedding service providers and consumers are willing to move towards a"greener" wedding model. In terms of barriers, consumers faced primarily personal internal obstacles and structural obstacles, while wedding service providers encountered mostly internal obstacles within their businesses. The following are suggested based on the findings: (1) holding green weddings starts with understanding "green weddings concept"; (2) taking stock of the feasibility of existing green service measures; (3) devising appropriate strategies for overcoming barriers to green weddings. This study lays the foundation for future investigations related to green weddings. The findings are expected to provide wedding service providers with useful insights and also shed light on customers’ motivations for green weddings.綠色婚禮(宴)環保婚禮(宴)低碳婚禮(宴)態度阻礙green wedding(s)eco-wedding(s)low-carbon wedding(s)attitudebarrier婚禮業者及婚禮消費者對綠色婚禮的態度與阻礙之探究Exploring Attitudes and Barriers to Green Weddings from Wedding Service Providers and Consumer’s Perspectivesetd