王仕茹Wang, Shih-Ju洪怡Hung, Yi2019-09-032019-06-192019-09-032019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0106590141%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95015台灣保健市場龐大,根據統計保健食品年產值達新台幣百億,且持續成長。在整體保健食品市場中,被視為未來有成長潛力也是市場趨勢的為體重管理保健食品。其主要原因即是現代人飲食精緻,且多外食,精緻飲食與外食易高糖或高油,加上多數人並無固定規律運動之習慣,長久而言,即容易造成肥胖問題。藉由相對不激進如抽脂手術等高風險的瘦身方式,採用以食品為輔助工具以管控飲食攝取即成為體重管理方式的首選,也造就了體重管理保健食品年產值達新台幣170億,且年年成長。 看準此一體重管理的商機,也越來越多保健品牌投入此市場,如何能在競爭者眾的市場分一杯羹以佔有一席之地自然成為各品牌之要務。本研究期透過台灣體重管理市場的領導品牌賀寶芙與倍熱為個案研究對象,且此兩個品牌恰分屬不同之通路屬性,就其產品、通路與最重要的行銷與廣告策略做完整之分析歸納,收斂出可能之成功模式做為後進之新品牌或現有品牌之行銷策略參考。The market of the health food here in Taiwan is tremendous. Based on the statistics, the sales amount reaches billion New Taiwan Dollars and keeps growing. Among the overall health food category, it’s regarded as market trend and also having growing potential is the weight management health food. The main reason is that people currently has delicate diet and is used to eat out often. Delicate diet and eating out links to excessive sugar and oil, and more than that, most people don’t have the regular exercise habit, in long term, all the above will cause the obesity issue. Regarding taking surgery to lost weight which is more aggressive and might have certain risk with higher cost, comparatively lower cost with also lower risk, to have weight management health food to control and diet to reach the goal to shape the body becomes the prioritized choice to lose weight. That’s how it contributes to sales of the weight management health food reaching NT$17 billion and continues to grow yearly. To gain the business opportunity, more and more health food brands lunge into this market. How to be competitive in the weight management market and obtain certain market share definitely becomes the main goal and task of every single brand. Via having two leading brands which are Herbalife and Funcare as case study objects, to analyze thoroughly the product mix, channel and most importantly the marketing and advertisement strategy and then to conclude the possible successful models for current and new brands as reference to exercise the marketing strategy.體重管理保健食品賀寶芙倍熱Weight ManagementHealth FoodHerbalifeFuncare體重管理保健食品之行銷策略The Marketing Strategy of Weight Management Health Food