洪榮昭Hong, Jon-Chao宮仲妘Kung, Chung-Yun2024-12-172025-07-072024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a3c458e5879f23caf6916fac7a9a9794/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122388在108課綱「自發、互動、共好」的基礎下,以學習者為主體之教學已成為教育現場重要的核心價值,本研究以溯因推理之概念作為基礎,目的在探究高中之國學常識以學生出題,並以溯因聯想遊戲App介入下學習者的後設覺察、出題興趣、遊戲興趣、心流體驗和學習價值之間的關係。研究工具包含:後設覺察量表、出題興趣量表、遊戲興趣量表、心流體驗量表、學習價值量表以及通過比較前測和後測了解學生的學習成效。本研究採準實驗研究設計之單組前後測研究設計與問卷調查法,藉由立意抽樣,選取桃園市某公立高中二年級學生110位為研究對象,有效樣本數為99份。本研究透過Smart PLS進行驗證性因素分析,並檢驗信效度,再以結構方程模型來驗證,得出下列研究結果:一、後設覺察與出題興趣具顯著正相關二、後設覺察與遊戲興趣具顯著正相關三、出題興趣與出題心流體驗具顯著正相關四、遊戲興趣與遊戲心流體驗具顯著正相關五、出題心流體驗與學習價值具顯著正相關六、遊戲心流體驗與學習價值具顯著正相關七、學習價值與學習成效無顯著正相關八、不同性別在遊戲興趣及出題心流體驗上具顯著差異關鍵詞:溯因推理、後設覺察、出題興趣、遊戲興趣、心流體驗Based on the Curriculum Guidelines of the 12-Year Basic Education" taking initiative, engaging in interaction, and seeking the common good ", learner-oriented teaching has become a core value in the education field. This study is based on the concept of Aductive reasoning, and aims to explore the correlation between learners' metacognitive awarness, question-posing interest, game interest, flow experience, and learning value in high school Sinology curriculum, which is based on the intervention of the v-Aquarium 99 app with questions posed by the learners. The research instruments include: metacognitive awareness scale, question-posing scale, game interest scale, flow experience scale, learning value scale, and the comparison of pre-test and post-test to understand the learning effectiveness of the students. In this study, single-group pretest-posttest design and a questionnaire survey were adopted as the Quasi-experimental research design. A total of 99 valid samples which are from a high school in Taoyuan City were selected as the target population through purposive sampling. Using Smart PLS to conduct confirmatory factor analysis, reliability, validity, and structural equation modeling was used to verify the research. The results are as follow: (1) Metacognitive awareness is significantly related to questioning interest. (2) Metacognitive awareness is significantly related to gaming interest. (3) Questioning interest can positively predict questioning flow. (4) Gaming interest can positively predict gaming flow. (5) Questioning flow can positively predict learning value. (6) Gaming flow can positively predict learning value. (7) Learning value is not significantly related to learning performance. (8) There are significant differences in gaming interest and questioning flow in genders.Keywords: Abductive reasoning, metacognitive awareness, question-posing interest, game interest, flow溯因推理後設覺察出題興趣遊戲興趣心流體驗abductive reasoningmetacognitive awarenessquestion-posing interestgame interestflow溯因聯想遊戲融入高中國學常識之學習成效:後設覺察、出題興趣、遊戲興趣、心流體驗與學習價值之相關Applying Abductive Reasoning to Game-based Sinology Learning Effect:to Explore the Correlation between Metacognitive Awareness, Posing Questions Interest, Gaming Interest, Flow Experience and Perceived Learning Value學術論文