陳子瑋Tze-wei Chen吳思齊Fred Szu-chi Wu2019-09-032003-07-012019-09-032002http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22685250046%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95866本文旨在評論《叢林死神》一書之中文翻譯。譯者針對所採用的翻譯技巧進行自評;原作出版於1979年,許多書中的觀念已經似乎不合時宜,本文試圖討論譯者在這種情況下,是否仍能達成充分呈現原文閱讀趣味的目的。本文共分五章:第一章為緒論,說明作者選擇此書之譯評為論文主題的理由。作者發現原著一方面承襲十九世紀末期冒險寫作的傳統,及其中隱含的帝國主義心態,一方面也有西洋幽默小品文的特色,是決定翻譯策略時應該思考的。第二章簡介本書的出版者,以及本書作者生平及著作,同時也介紹翻譯者參考的相關書籍。第三章為譯文評析,討論譯者遇到的幾項特殊問題,以及譯者採用的翻譯策略。第四章討論翻譯過程的實務層面,如與出版社交涉以及網路學術資源的問題。第五章總結前四章的討論,提出作者心得,並提出建議,以供翻譯界同儕參考。This thesis is a commentary on the Chinese translation of “Death in the Long Grass.” The translator makes self-critique on his choice of translation strategies to make the translation as engaging to readers as the original text is to its readers, even though this book, published in 1979, conveys some anachronistic ideas. The thesis consists of five chapters: In Chapter One, the author explains how the translation of a book of adventure stories, written mainly for entertainment purpose, warrants a careful study and a thesis based on it. In the original text, the author finds links to the tradition of adventure writing in the late 19th century and the underlying imperialist state of mind, as well as links to the humor tradition in the West. Both findings are essential for the translator’s choice of strategies. Chapter Two gives a brief introduction to the publisher of the translated book, the biographical information on the author, and some helpful reference sources. Chapter Three explains some specific difficulties arising in the process of translating the book, and the strategies the translator uses for desired effects. In Chapter Four, the author discusses some practical aspects of the translation project. In Chapter Five are conclusion drawn from the previous discussion and suggestions for practitioners of translation.叢林死神《叢林死神》之翻譯與譯評Translation and Commentary of Death in the Long Grass