國立臺灣師範大學應用華語文學系蔡雅薰賴鼎陞2014-10-302014-10-302012-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31326本研究將以歐洲共同語文參考架構(The common European framework of reference for languages: learning, teaching, assessment, 以下簡稱CEFR),作為基礎的華語文能力分級 指標及詞彙,為豐富的故宮博物院數位典藏成果,運用到華語文物質文化教材的編製研 究與發展,以進行館校合作數位學習社群網。研究計畫針對東亞地區漢文化影響較深的 華語文學習者,同時兼顧全球華裔及有志於漢文化的華語文學習者,開發為結合故宮數 位化的文物的中級華語文化教材,包括完整課程主題及學習架構,融合5C教學策略,並 發展文化評量試題。 擬以總計畫完成的華語文各級華語文詞彙為文化教材內容的編製依據,以日常生活 中食衣住行育樂等互動為文化教材的主題,結合故宮數位典藏的豐富內容,進行華語文 化課程綱要的研訂,藉由語言學習與文化習得的結合,融入故宮數位典藏的文化素材, 讓外國學生了解華語溝通時文化的趣味與豐富的內涵,開發海外最為需要的中級華語文 程度者(B1 級)的華語文數位文化教材。教材完成後,並至海外進行實地的教學比較, 包括菲律賓靈惠學院、新加坡南洋理工學院教研中心、馬來西亞新紀元學院等校,採用 立意抽樣,並隨機分派華語文學習者於各組,以進行華語文文化教材與數位教學模式的 成效比較。This research is applied CEFR(The common European framework of reference for languages: learning, teaching, assessment)as its learning, teaching and assessment reference for CSL (Chinese as Second Language) learners’ performance and teaching material vocabulary selection. In order to enrich the digital collections of the National Palace Museum (NPM), this research is applied them into CSL cultural teaching materials design and digital learning network as well. This research is aimed for the CSL learners in the Southeast Asian countries who are heavily influenced by Chinese culture or anyone who are interested in Chinese culture and learning CSL. These teaching materials will integrate 5C teaching strategies and include full-curricular themes and learning architecture. The assessment items of culture performance will also develop in this study. The vocabulary used for the teaching materials design in this research will provide by the main project. The syllabus will be incorporate with the rich content of digital archives provided by the NPM. The topics are selected according to the learners’ daily life, lifestyles and recreation activities. Moreover, the main purpose of this research is to develop the CSL cultural digital teaching materials for the intermediate level (B1 level) learners in overseas. In addition to this, the third year of this study will schedule to approach Chinese schools abroad in Southeast Asian countries such as Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and others for the field of experimental teaching. The effectiveness of learning these CSL teaching materials will conduct and assess in this research. A purposive sampling procedure will use for this assessment and the CSL learners will randomly assign to each group as well.故宮數位典藏華語教學文化教材能力指標National Palace Museumdigital archivesChinese teachingculture teaching materialscompetence indicator故宮數位典藏應用於華語文物質文化教材之研究(I)