國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系陳秀鳳2016-01-122016-01-122011-06-011023-2249http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/76479十四世紀末,法王查理六世突然出現心智失常的病症,進而引發全國性的政治危機。對於這個悲劇,甚感憂心的法國人民提出許多臆測的言論。針對查理六世瘋狂病因的猜測與治療方式,引發法國民眾不同的反應,法國社會出現民眾與菁英階層兩種不同的觀點;隨著時間的推移,查理六世疾病加劇,民眾與菁英這兩種觀點的差異性也逐漸擴大。再者,查理六世瘋狂病期間,國王無法親自視政,也間接引起法國的政治危機,患有瘋狂病的查理六世能否行使王權?這問題既涉及中古晚期關於君主政治功能的討論,也導出「無能君主」理論的建構。At the end of the fourteenth century, symptoms of mental disorder in King Charles Ⅵ caused a nationwide crisis in the kingdom of France. This tragic event gave rise to much speculation and disputation among a worried populace. Due to their different opinions of the event, a gap grew between the ordinary people and elites. Furthermore, the king's mental illness threatened the French political order because public opinion became skeptical of king's ability to carry out properly his royal power. Thus the entire question "Can an incompetent king rule?" resulted in arguments about the proper functioning of kingship and the formulation of the "Inutile Regis" theory in the late Middle Ages.法王查理六世瘋狂病巫術無能君主King Charles ⅥMadnessWitchcraftInutile Regis法國社會對查理六世瘋狂病的反應及其引發的政治危機French Society's Reaction to the Madness of King Charles Ⅵ and the Political Crisis