國立臺灣師範大學英語學系李忠謀柯佳伶林育慈吳美貞羅美蘭林至誠陳柏琳陳秋蘭2015-09-032015-09-032014/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74282本計畫擬發展以雲端運算為基礎的教學平台,並以國中一、二年級英語科為題 材,進行技術研發與教學實驗研究。本計畫將研發「eCard 雲端教學與評測平台」,包 含前端 eCard 使用者應用程式及後台教學所需關鍵技術雲端運算子系統,以提供創新 的教師教學與學生學習機會。教學目標則以提升國中學生的英文能力為主,將英文能 力分成聽說讀寫基礎能力及進階閱讀思考整合能力兩大區塊,分別由兩個研究群組負 責研發平台功能與課程內容並進行教學實驗,進而驗證學生的學習成效。 本計畫研究期程以兩年八個月為期,分兩階段進行:第一階段從 101 年十二月到 103 年七月止,歷時 20 個月,主要工作項目為研發雲端 eCard 平台與其相關學習內涵, 並於該階段進行小規模教學實驗,以測試雲端數位系統之各類功能和初步驗證計畫之 教學成效,作為修正教學內容與系統功能之依據;第二階段從 103 年八月至 104 年七 月止,歷時 12 個月,進行擴大教學實驗,預期透過 24 位國中英語教師的教學和學生 的學習過程,探討以雲端科技輔助英語學習的方法和成效,並舉辦教學觀摩及經驗分 享,推廣計畫成果。The purpose of this project is to develop a cloud-based teaching and learning system that enables innovative teaching and learning of English as a second language at the junior school level. An “eCard Learning Platform” will be developed, which includes browser-based user front-end and cloud-computation based subsystems that offers intelligent eCard services at the back-end. The pedagogical goal of this research is aimed to help students achieve better learning results in English classes. Both fundamental English skills and reading comprehension skills are learned and tested. This research will last two years and eight months. The first 20 months are the first stage of this research. Key works include the development of the eCard system, development of teaching/learning activities, and prove of concept teaching experiments. The last 12 months are the second stage of this research. Key works are to conduct semester-long large scale (24 teachers) teaching experiments that offers opportunities to exam the usefulness of the eCard system and the learning achievement of the student.雲端科技輔助教學教學與評量英語學習Cloud supported teachingteaching and assessmentTESOL基於雲端科技之英語創新教學與評量研究Cloud-Based Innovative English Teaching, Learning and Assessment