林佑真2014-10-272014-10-272009-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/227本研究旨在使用客觀的身體活動測量工具比較走路與乘車上學的學童的身體活動量,以及達 到國內、外學生身體活動建議量的比率。以台北市大安區三所國小五、六年級學生為研究母群體,招募志願參與的學童共115名,於受測七天當中每天配戴加速器 (accelerometer),受測結束後完成「學童上學方式」記錄表。共得有效樣本102名,以平均每分鐘加速器測量值(counts per minute, cpm)以及平均每天中等至高強度身體活動(moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, MVPA)時間來估計學童的身體活動量,依據上學方式分為走路上學組(N=66)與乘車上學組(N=36)。所得資料以卡方檢定與t檢定進行分析。本研究 主要結果如下:1.在平常上課日,走路上學學童比乘車上學者有較高的身體活動量(441.0±130.8 cpm vs. 385.2±102.5 cpm, p=0.04),與較多時間的MVPA(99.7±34.7分鐘vs. 86.5±30.5分鐘,p=0.05)。在早上7時到8時的上學時間,走路上學的學童比乘車上學者約多了33%的MVPA時間(11.4±5.1分鐘 vs. 7.6±3.6分鐘,p=0.01)。2.在週末或假日時,走路上學與乘車上學學童的身體活動量差異更大(376.9±171.3 cpm vs. 284.6±85.4 cpm, p<0.01),走路上學學童比乘車上學者平均每天約多了25分鐘的MVPA(p<0.01)。3.走路上學的學童比乘車上學者有較高的比率 能達到國內(74.6% vs. 70.6%)與歐美(69.8% vs. 52.9%)的學生身體活動建議量,但兩組在達到身體活動建議量的比率上並未達統計顯著差異。This study used objective measurement to compare the difference of physical activity levels between children who walked and those that were driven to school, and to investigate the proportion of children meeting physical activity guidelines by mode of travel to school. Fifth- to- sixth grade students in three public primary schools in Taipei municipal area were invited to take part in the study. Students wore an accelerometer for seven days and completed a brief questionnaire to report their mode of transportation to school. Of the 115 children who volunteered to participate in the study, 102 of them fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The total volume of physical activity and the time spent in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), as recorded by the accelerometer, was estimated for weekdays and weekends, and groups of children were compared by mode of transportation to school. Data were analyzed using Chi-square test and t test. The main results of the present study were as follows: (1) Children who walked to school (N=66) were significantly more active than those who traveled by car (N=36) (441.0±130.8 vs. 385.2±102.5 accelerometer counts per minute, p=0.04), and accumulated more minutes of MVPA (99.7±34.7mins vs. 86.5±30.5mins, p=0.05) during weekday. MVPA for children who walked -100-to school was approximately 33% greater before school, compared with those who traveled by car (11.4±5.1mins vs. 7.6±3.6 mins, p=0.01). (2) Students who walked to school appeared to be more active on the weekends than those who traveled by car (376.9±171.3 cpm vs. 284.6±85.4 cpm, p<0.01), and accumulated 25 additional minutes of MVPA per day (p<0.01). (3) No significant difference was found between travel groups in the proportion of children meeting physical activity guidelines.加速器走路上學身體活動國小學童accelerometerwalk to schoolphysical activityprimary school children走路與成車上學之國小高年級學童的身體活動量比較Comparison of Physical Activity Levels in Primary School Children Who Walk or are Driven to School