張國恩宋曜廷劉子鍵莊凱博Zhuang, Kai-Bo2019-08-292023-01-312019-08-292018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060008014E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92710本研究運用擴增實境技術結合英語單字教學建置英語輔助學習系統(Augmented Reality-English Vocabulary Words Memorizing System簡稱AR-EVWMS),於學習者背誦英語單字時進行輔助學習,主要探討學習者於使用擴增實境輔助背誦英語單字時的記憶與遺忘情形。研究對象為58名國中二年級生,採用準實驗研究法之前後測不等組實驗設計,自變項為不同英語單字背誦學習輔助方式,依變項為學習者之學習表現,包含其學習成效、神馳經驗效果、系統使用態度與滿意度、延宕測驗。實驗組為擴增實境系統輔助學習組,對照組為電腦輔助學習組。 研究結果發現:(一) AR-EVWMS能有效加強學習者的學習成效表現;(二)使用AR-EVWMS輔助學習相較於電腦輔助學習,更能降低學習者的遺忘比率、減緩遺忘速度;(三)使用AR-EVWMS輔助學習相較於電腦輔助學習,更能產生神馳經驗效果;(四)使用AR-EVWMS輔助學習擁有良好的系統使用態度及滿意度。The research is about combine augmented reality technology with English vocabulary words teaching to build Augmented Reality-English Vocabulary Words Memorizing System(AR-EVWMS), the system helps learners memorize English vocabulary words in class, the main discussion of the research is learners’ memorizing and forgetting situation in using augmented reality to help them recite the English vocabulary words. Participants are 58 second-grade junior high school students, using quasi-experimental method of pretest-posttest designs, the difference between English vocabulary memorize learning auxiliary methods is independent variable, learners’ performance is dependent variable, including learners’ learning efficiency and outcomes, experience of flow, system using attitude and satisfaction, procrastinate test. The experiment group is augmented reality system auxiliary learning group, and the control group is computer auxiliary learning group. The experimental results show that : (1)AR-EVWMS can really improve and promote students’ learning efficiency and outcomes , (2)Compare using AR-EVWMS with using computer in English words learning, AR-EVWMS can reduce the learner’s forgetting rate more than computer , (3)AR-EVWMS can have much more experience of flow than computer in learning , (4)AR-EVWMS can have nice system using attitude and good satisfaction in learning.擴增實境英語單字背誦學習遺忘曲線Augmented RealityEnglish Vocabulary Words LearningForgetting Curve擴增實境輔助英語單字背誦之系統研製Implementation of Augmented Reality Assisted English Vocabulary Words Memorizing