王櫻芬Wang, Ying-Fen許博雅Hsu, Bo-Ya2024-12-172024-07-232024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/7f7add3e670cf23cbc54bf8cf3708418/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122512本研究旨在探討拒學青少年母親在子女拒學歷程中的經驗,包含所遭逢到的困境挑戰以及身為母親的自我分化經驗。本研究採立意取樣的方式,共邀請到三名研究參與者,年齡介於45歲至55歲上下,三名研究參與者皆為曾致力於職場的成功女性,後因照顧子女而轉為全職媽媽,她們的子女均在國中階段經歷了拒學現象,總拒學歷程時長至少四年以上。研究以半結構式訪談方式輔以研究者設計之訪談大綱進行資料蒐集,運用敘事研究中「類別—內容」、「整體—內容」資料分析模式,嘗試理解拒學青少年母親在子女拒學歷程中所面臨之困境與挑戰,以及母親的自我分化經驗。研究結果如下:(一)三名研究參與者在子女拒學歷程中所面臨之困境與挑戰共分成五大類別:無法理解子女情緒脈絡與溝通困難、母親原有信念遭到挑戰需要調整、因子女的退化導致親子界限模糊與設立、回應家庭系統內外的聲音與壓力、介入拒學的資源不足與方法成效性。(二)三名研究參與者在面對子女拒學歷程中的自我分化經驗,受到子女拒學狀態所影響變化,可分為五個時期:「滿足子女需求並維持清楚的自我分化」、「面對子女就學困擾母親的自我分化益形困難」、「子女拒學困境干擾到母親的情緒理智系統之判斷」、「過度親密融合伴隨的情緒困擾促使個體化的對立力量產生」、「重建個體化與親密之間的平衡,探尋新的可能性」。藉由上述研究結果,探究母親在子女拒學歷程中所遭逢之困境、理解母親的自我分化如何受拒學子女狀態變化所影響,提供拒學相關的實務工作者作為參考,期望能在協助這些拒學家庭有更多理解與看見。This research aims to explore the experiences of mothers of school-refusing adolescents, including the challenges they encounter and their experiences with self-differentiation during their children's school refusal. The study employed purposive sampling, inviting three participants aged between 45 and 55 years old. All three participants were successful career women who became full-time mothers to care for their children, each of whom had school refusal behavior during their junior high school years, and the experiences are at least four years. Semi-structured interviews, guided by a researcher-developed outline, were used for data collection. Using narrative research's "categorical-content" and "holistic-content" data analysis models, the study attempts to understand the dilemmas and challenges faced by mothers during their children's school refusal and their experiences of self-differentiation. The findings revealed: (1) The challenges faced by the three participants during their children's school refusal are categorized into five main types: Difficulty understanding children's emotional contexts and communication challenges, mother’s original beliefs are challenged and needto be adjusted, blurred parent-child boundaries due to children's regression, responding to internal and external family pressures, and insufficient resources and ineffective methods for intervening in school refusal. (2) The self-differentiation experiences of the participants, influenced by the state of their children's school refusal, can be divided into five phases: "Meeting the needs of children while maintaining clear self-differentiation," "Mothers' self-differentiation becomes more challenging when facing children's schooling troubles," "The dilemmaof children's school refusal impacts mothers' judgement of emotional and rational systems," "Emotional distress from over-intimacy fusion fosters emergence of forces for individuation," and "Rebuilding the balance between individuality and intimacy, exploring new possibilities." These findings provide insights into the challenges faced by mothers during their children's school refusal and how their self-differentiation is affected. The research aims to offer practical references for professionals working with school refusal cases, hoping to foster better understanding and support for these families.拒學行為母親的自我分化敘事研究school refusal behaviormothers' self-differentiationnarrative research拒學青少年母親在子女拒學歷程的困境與自我分化經驗探究Exploring the Challenges and Self-Differentiation Experiences of Mothers with School-Refusing Adolescents學術論文