蕭揚基游俊閔2014-10-272014-10-272004-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30292現代社會由於個人主義盛行的影響,現代人道德價值觀趨向以自身利益與喜好作為選擇行為的考量,而逐漸減少對傳統社會道德觀念的依賴,這現象是否意味著現代社會德價值觀念正在衰落中?基於了解中學生道德側值觀念的現狀,對構築學校道德教育框架內容具有重要性,本文討論焦點圍繞在:「社會轉型過程中,中學生的道德價值觀念現況究竟為何?對此,學校道德教育應該如何作出適當的回應?」之主題上。首先,作者以回顧文獻為方法探討個人化與道德價值觀念、社會信賴的關聯性;緊接著,採用實證研究方法,以中學生的個人背景、社會信賴與道德價值忍受度等變項,探討中學生道德價值觀念的現況與變化;最後,根據述研究結果作為討論學校道德教育培育學生成為道德生活主體之參考。The society in the contemporary world has largely influenced by individualism. Therefore, people no longer closely follow the traditional value system and tend to make their decisions or judgments based on personal interests or priorities. Does this suggest that our moral values have declined? The investigation of present moral value system of the students of junior high schools and high schools will help to construct the framework of school moral education. This paper, thus, focuses on the following questions: what the moral values of young students are in this fast-changing and diverse society; and how the schools design proper moral education in response. To answer these, the authors firstly review the relevant work in order to identify the connections between individualism, moral value system, and social reliance. Next, the authors use their own empirical data to analyze some crucial variables, such as students’ background data, social reliance, and moral endurance. This analysis will reveal the conditions and changes of thermal value of those young studies. Lastly, the authors hope to propose some possible solutions to improve the teaching of morality in subjective education.中學生道德價值信賴道德忍受學校道德教育中學生道德價值面貌的測察Investigating Moral Values System of Junior High School and High School Students in Taiwan