雷芷卉Lui, Tsz-Wai詹仲豪Chan, Chung-Hao2024-12-172024-02-162024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/959d846efcf8fe75d6376b63eccea49b/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123783在瞬息萬變的現代社會,不僅工作壓力與紊亂的全球化資訊正在填滿我們生活中的每一個空隙,加上突如其來的疫情 (COVID-19) 打亂原本的生活方式,造成的傷害不只在身體層面,心靈的影響也不容小覷。以往人們習慣透過宗教尋求生活的意義或給予生命的世界觀,隨著時代進步與科技的演進,無宗教人口 (宗教信仰不明或是沒有宗教信仰) 漸漸增長,現代人對於世界觀的看法逐漸改變,美國預計在2035年無宗教人口將會大於新教徒人口 (Downey, 2018),反觀臺灣的無宗教人口也達到統計數據以來的最高點 (U.S. Department of State, 2022)。也就是說,越來越多的人不單純透過宗教來了解世界、理解世界,撫慰心靈的方式逐漸轉變為追求個人的或大自然的方式,旅遊型態與目的也開始改變。心靈旅遊成為一種專注於探索自我的旅行形式,它強調的是個體內在的成長和心靈發展,而非特定宗教信仰或實踐,人的靈性是心靈旅遊的前提與關鍵。為了更了解心靈旅遊,本研究將宗教心靈旅遊和非宗教心靈旅遊作為對比,並以幸福感與宗教靈性作為差異變項。Norman (2011) 指出心靈旅遊能達到幸福感,但與宗教與非宗教心靈旅遊兩者之間的幸福感程度仍不明確。此外,隨著技術的進步以及疫情的影響,虛擬實境旅遊逐漸興起,虛擬實境旅遊模擬真實旅遊的體驗沉浸感逐漸提升,使人們能夠透過虛擬實境環境來體驗各種地點和文化。然而,虛擬實境旅遊與實體旅遊對於幸福感與宗教靈性的影響程度有待了解。本研究使用二因子變異數分析來分析不同的旅遊目的 (非宗教心靈旅遊和宗教心靈旅遊),以及不同的旅遊方式 (虛擬實境旅遊和實體旅遊) 對宗教靈性以及幸福感的影響。本研究以實體和虛擬實境北港朝天宮為實驗場所,通過便利抽樣發放實體問卷以實證研究假設。研究結果顯示,在幸福感上實體的宗教與非宗教心靈旅遊有顯著差異;虛擬實境與實體旅遊於幸福感上有顯著差異;在宗教靈性上虛擬實境的宗教與非宗教心靈旅遊有顯著差異;在宗教靈性上實體的宗教與非宗教心靈旅遊有顯著差異,進而提出與心靈旅遊相關的建議。In our swiftly changing modern society, the complexities of work pressures and the tumult of global information have become pervasive elements in our daily lives. This landscape was further complicated by the unexpected emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which not only disrupted our conventional lifestyles but also inflicted significant physical and mental distress. Traditionally, people sought meaning in life and worldview through the lens of religion. However, as we progress through time and witness remarkable technological advancements, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of people dissociating from religious affiliations.Modern perspectives on worldviews are shifting for instance, projections suggest that by 2035, the non-religious demographic in the United States will outnumber the Protestant population. A similar trend is observable in Taiwan, where the non-religious population has reached an all-time high. This shift indicates a growing inclination among people to find solace and understanding not in religious doctrines but through personal or naturalistic approaches.This change is also reflected in evolving travel behaviors and objectives. Spiritual tourism has emerged as a form of travel focused on self-exploration, emphasizing individual inner growth and spiritual development rather than specific religious beliefs or practices. The essence and driving force of spiritual tourism is the exploration of human spirituality. To gain deeper insights into spiritual tourism, this study contrasts non-religious spiritual tourism with its religious counterpart, examining key differentiators including well-being and spirituality. Previous research indicates that both forms of tourism can achieve a sense of well-being, but the extent of the impacts between the two remains unclear. Moreover, with technological advancements, virtual reality (VR) tourism is rising. VR tourism, simulating the immersive experience of real travel, allows people to experience various locations and cultures virtually. Nevertheless, the comparative effects of VR tourism and physical travel on well-being and spirituality remain a subject of debate.This study aims to fill the research gaps mentioned above. Specifically, this study employs a two-way analysis of variance to analyze the effects of travel purpose (spiritual vs. religious tourism) and travel mode (VR vs. physical travel) on overall well-being and spirituality. Utilizing Beigang Chaotian Temple as the experimental site for both VR and physical travel, the researcher conducts convenience sampling and distribution of questionnaires to the experiment participants after they visit the physical or virtual temple. This research aims to deepen our understanding of the various impacts of different travel purposes and modes on well-being and spirituality. Additionally, this research seeks to provide insightful recommendations pertinent to the field of spiritual tourism.心靈旅遊幸福感宗教靈性虛擬實境北港朝天宮Spiritual TourismWell-beingReligious SpiritualityVirtual RealityBeigang Chaotian探討非宗教心靈旅遊與宗教心靈旅遊-比較虛擬實境與實體旅遊靈性與幸福感之研究Non-Religious Spiritual Tourism and Religious Spiritual Tourism: A Comparative Study of Spirituality and Well-being between Virtual Reality and Physical Travel學術論文