黃柏華2014-10-272014-10-272010-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15773「生涯探索」是生涯發展和轉銜決策中基礎成分和過程。本文從生涯探索方案的設計與評量的理論基礎,說明生涯探索在轉銜過程的重要性。透過分析生涯探索課程向度和生涯探索評量在個別化轉銜計畫的運用模式,強調工作世界與課程(訓練方案)之間的緊密連結,落實高中職教育階段身心障礙學生轉銜計聾的規劃與執行。“Career exploration" plays an important role in career development and transition decisions. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the fundamental theories of career exploration programs and evaluations, and to explain the importance of career exploration applying to transition process. This paper focuses on the connection between the real work world and training programs. By analyzing the models of domain career exploration curriculums and applying the model of individualized transition plans, we implement the transition plans for students with special needs in high schools.身心障礙學生生涯探索個別化轉銜計畫生涯/職業評量students with spcial needscareer explorationindividualized transition plancareer/vocational assessment身心障礙學生生涯探索課程的設計與評量The Design and Evaluation of Career and Exploration Programs for Students with Disabilities