胡心慈吳季芳2019-08-282008-11-142019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0594091217%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91627本研究採用質性研究法,旨在探討巡迴教師對於工作難題的個人調適歷程,以及巡迴教師所需要的支持與協助。研究參與者為十四位現職巡迴教師,採用焦點團體訪談,輔以文件檔案和研究日誌,蒐集參與者的經驗及感受,再經由資料的整理與分析,歸納出以下結論: 巡迴教師的工作調適歷程包括摸索、受挫、求援與平衡四個階段,但調適階段的時間長短和曲線變化則是因人而異。另外,因應特殊巡迴性質所產生的工作困境,巡迴教師藉由增強自身的專業知能,以及對外尋求社區資源、夥伴、家長、學校人員、其他縣市巡迴教師和教育行政單位的支持,試圖為巡迴工作累積更加充足的能量。 基於研究結果,對於行政單位、巡迴教師編制學校、巡迴教師以及未來相關研究,提出若干建言,期許巡迴教師的特殊工作性質,得以獲得多方理解與關注,進而提昇融合教育之效能。The main purpose of this qualitative study was to explore itinerant teachers’ jog accommodation processes and support needs to problems met by them. Fourteen itinerant teachers participated. Texts were collected from focus group interviews and documents to emerge a list of themes indicating their experiences. Through data analysis of the collected texts, the findings were in the following paragraphs. Jog accommodation processes of itinerant teachers went from exploring stage, frustrating stage, asking for support stage, and to equilibrium stage. Each itinerant teacher experienced different periods and curves of his(her) own jog accommodation process. Facing the challenges of itinerant teaching, itinerant teachers not only improved professional knowledge and skills, but also asked for support from community resources, colleagues, parents, school personnel, other itinerant teachers in other districts, and education administrators, so that they gathered as rich resources for itinerant teaching as possible. Understanding the itinerant teachers' experiences could enhance educators' and professionals' awareness and attention to these teachers with special needs. Based on the findings, this study was ended with some recommendations for education administrators, school administrators, itinerant teachers, and further researchers.巡迴教師工作調適支援需求itinerant teacherjog adjustmentsupportive demands巡迴教師之工作調適與支援需求