邱美虹博士陳淑華2019-09-052005-7-242019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T1452007%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104488 本研究為探討「圖卡操作」學習方式對學習「化學式相關概念」教學單元的影響,因此採準實驗研究法與問卷調查。研究樣本為九十三學年度宜蘭縣某國中學生,共2班60名,並分成二組,實驗組接受「圖卡操作」學習;而對照組則接受「傳統教學」學習,二組都接受前測、後測與延宕測驗,並填寫學習態度問卷以了解學生真正的感受。前測、後測與延宕測驗都用同一份題目(「化學式相關概念成就測驗」),是經研究者自行開發,預試的信度α=.89,正式施測α=.93,其準實驗研究結果如下說明: (一)全體受試者 (1)實驗組的「化學式相關概念成就測驗」在「整份試卷」、「化學式」、「質量守恆與原子不滅」、「化學反應式」、概念與「知識」、「理解」認知層面上之學習成效,顯著高於對照組。 (2)實驗組的「化學式相關概念成就測驗」在「元素的特性與分類」、「莫耳」等概念與「分析」、「應用」、「綜合」等認知層面上之學習成效,與對照組無顯著差異。 (二)不同學習成就群的學生 (1)高學習成就群實驗組的「化學式相關概念成就測驗」在「整份試卷」、「化學式」、「化學反應式」、「理解」、「分析」的概念獲得上之學習成效,顯著高於對照組。 (2)高學習成就群實驗組的「化學式相關概念成就測驗」在「元素的特性與分類」、「質量守恆與原子不滅」、「莫耳」等概念與「知識」、「應用」、「綜合」認知層面上之學習成效,與對照組無顯著差異。 (3)中學習成就群實驗組的「化學式相關概念成就測驗」在「整份試卷」、「化學式」、「質量守恆與原子不滅」、「化學反應式」、「知識」、「理解」的概念獲得上之學習成效,顯著高於對照組。 (4)中學習成就群實驗組的「化學式相關概念成就測驗」在「元素的特性與分 類」、「莫耳」等概念與「分析」、「應用」以及「綜合」認知層面上的學習成效,與對照組無顯著差異。 (5)低學習成就群實驗組的「化學式相關概念成就測驗」在「整份試卷」、「元素的特性與分類」、「化學式」、「質量守恆與原子不滅」、「化學反應式」以及「莫耳」等概念與「知識」、「理解」、「分析」、「應用」以及「綜合」認知層面的學習成效,與對照組無顯著差異。 而問卷研究結果發現,受試者對「圖卡操作」學習的學習方式之喜好比「傳統教學」學習的人數多;不喜好則是對照組較多。覺得這樣的學習方式是有幫助的,是「實作」學習的人數較多;而持反對意見則是「傳統教學」學習較多,因此若能配合需要,以圖卡操作來學習,將能使學生在化學式相關概念的學習獲得更大的助益。實驗組大多數的學生覺得製作化學帝國身分證的過程,能夠讓自己更快進入學習活動中,即幫助學習。半數的學生覺得「圖卡操作」學習的活動方式有助學習,尤其是在元素分類與特性、化學式、平衡方程式。半數以上的學生覺得使用「圖卡操作」學習的活動方式比較有興趣,且希望多使用實際操作來學習其他概念。 上所述,「圖卡操作」學習在對「化學式相關概念」的學習是有幫助的,尤其對中學習成就群的幫助最大,因「圖卡操作」學習剛好能提供一個較相似的學習經驗,使新、舊知識產生關聯,所使用的圖卡除了具有圖像的功效,更有具體實際操作的部份,實際操作讓學生親自動手作,與真實情境最相似,可以提升學生的學習興趣與動機,可見「圖卡操作」學習會提升學生的學習興趣與學習成效。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of card upon the relevant concept of chemical formula. Quasi-experimental design and survey were adapted in the study. The subjects of the study were drawn from the junior high school in I-Lan county and divided into two groups. Sixty students from two classes participated in this study. The experimental group used learning method of card . The controlled group used were taught in traditional teaching. All subjects were conducted pretest, posttest, and delayed posttest. At the same time, all students wrote the questionnaire in order to know how student’s attitude toward different learning methods. The pretest, posttest, and delayed posttest were the same test items designed by investigator. The reliability(α)of pilot and posttest were .89 and .93. The quasi-experimental results were as follow: (一)For all subjects: (1)The experimental group was significantly better than controlled group in「test paper grade」、「chemical formula」、「mass equal and conservation of atomic law」、「chemical reaction formula」、「knowledge」、「comprehension」. (2)There was no significant differences in「chemistry and classification of element」、「mole」、「analysis」、「application」、「generalization」. (二)students with different learning achievement: (1)High performence group had significant differences in「test paper grade」、「chemical formula」、「chemical reaction formula」、「comprehension」、「analysis」and experimental group was better than controlled group. (2)High performence group had no significant differences in「chemistry and classification of element」、「mass equal and conservation of atomic law」、「mole」、「knowledge」、「application」、「generalization」. (3)Middle performence group had significant differences in「test paper grade」、「chemical formula」、「mass equal and conservation of atomic law」、「chemical reaction formula」、「knowledge」、「comprehension」and experimental group was better than controlled group. (4)Middle performence group had no significant differences in「chemistry and classification of element」、「mole」、「analysis」、「application」、「generalization」. (5)Low performence group had no significant differences in「test paper grade」、 「chemistry and classification of element」、「chemical formula」、「mass equal and conservation of atomic law」、「chemical reaction formula」、「mole」、「knowledge」、「comprehension」、「analysis」、「application」、「generalization」. Survey investigation’s results found more students in the experimental group than the controlled group enjoyed the learning method. Controlled group had more number about not enjoying the learning method. More students in the experimental group than the controlled group thinked the learning method helpful. Controlled group had more number thinking about the learning method not helpful. If students can used card upon the relevant concept of chemical formula, they will have a great assistance about the relevant concept of chemical formula. Most experimental group foud helpful learn by doing teaching aid themselves. Subduple experimental group foud helpful learn by using card, especially in 「chemistry and classification of element」、「chemical formula」、「chemical reaction formula」. Above subduple experimental group foud funnier by using card and hoped usually to use actual practice activities. In summary, card was helpful in the relevant concept of chemical formula. Especially, students of middle learning achievement effected significantly. Because card contributed a more analogous learning experience and new conception was connected with original conception. Because use cards not only effect of picture but also hand-on. Hand-on could promot students’ learning motivation and interest. Because student could practice themselves and it is analogous the real life context. Using card could promot students’ learning achievements and motivation.圖卡化學式反應方程式cardchemical formulachemical reaction formula探討「圖卡操作」對化學式相關概念的學習成效Exploring Using Card to effect on Learn about the Relevant Conception of Chemical Formula.