朱文增Chu, Wen-Tseng張家齊Chang, Chia-Chi2019-09-052023-12-312019-09-052018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0503303311%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104918本研究旨在比較台北市大稻埕觀光地區遊客的不同人口背景變項和旅遊特性對觀光吸引力之差異,並探討台北市大稻埕觀光地區遊客的觀光吸引力、地方依附、休閒效益與重遊意願之關聯性。研究對象以台北市大稻埕觀光地區的台灣遊客為主要抽樣對象 (外籍遊客除外) ,採用量化研究方法,透過問卷調查進行研究。正式問卷調查時間於2018年5月11日至5月21日共計11天,總共發放540份問卷,有效回收492份,回收率達91.1%。研究工具包括:一、觀光吸引力量表;二、地方依附量表;三、休閒效益量表;四、重遊意願量表等進行研究。統計方法根據研究目的,分別採用項目分析、因素分析、描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析以及迴歸分析等統計方式進行處理。研究結果如下:一、大稻埕遊客以女性為居多、年齡介於20-29歲之間、婚姻狀況以未婚為主要客群、教育程度以大學或專科之學歷最多、職業類別以上班族為居多、月收入10,000元以下的遊客最多、居住地以新北市遊客為最多;二、遊客特性:與朋友同行居多、主要交通工具為捷運、一年到大稻埕次數為一次最多、資訊訊來源為親友介紹為主、花費金額500元以下、停留時間1-2小時、主要旅遊動機為放鬆心情;三、不同人口背景變項對觀光吸引力有部分顯著差異;四、旅遊特性對觀光吸引力有部分顯著差異;五、觀光吸引力對地方依附有顯著正向影響;六、地方依附對休閒效益有顯著正向影響;七、地方依附對重遊意願有顯著正向影響。The purpose of this study is to understand the tourism attractiveness, place attachment, leisure benefits and revisit intention of tourists in the sightseeing area of Dadaocheng in Taipei City, Exploring the influence of population background variables and tourism characteristics on Tourism Attractiveness. Exploring the relationship between tourism attractiveness and place attachment, the influence of place attachment on the leisure benefit, and the influence of place attachment on the revisiting willingness. Subjects: This study focused on tourists from the Dadaocheng tourist area in Taipei City, mainly Taiwanese tourists, and did not include foreign tourists. The trial questionnaire was conducted from May 11 to 21, 2018 for a total of 11 days. Tools: This study adopts the research methods of quantitative statistics and conducts research through investigation of surveys. The questionnaire is divided into four main aspects: the characteristics of tourists, attractiveness of the location to tourists, place attachment, leisure benefits and willingness to revisit the area. Methods: This study used SPSS 21.0 statistical software analysis, according to the purpose of research, descriptive statistical analysis, factor analysis, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product Pearson Correlation and Regression Analysis. Results: A total of 540 questionnaires were distributed, and 492 questionnaires were effectively recovered, with a recovery rate of 91.1%. The majority of visitors fell into the categories of: women, ages 20-29, unmarried, college education, office workers, residents living in New Taipei City, monthly income of up to 10,000 passengers. Population background variables have some significant differences in tourism appeal; tourism attractiveness has a positive and significant impact on place attachment; place attachment has a positive and significant impact on leisure benefits; place attachment has a positive and significant impact on the willingness to revisit, all of which are statistically significant.觀光吸引力地方依附休閒效益重遊意願tourism attractivenessplace attachmentleisure benefitrevisiting willingness觀光吸引力、地方依附、休閒效益與重遊意願關係之研究—以台北市大稻埕觀光地區為例The Study of Tourism Attractiveness, Place Attachment, Leisure Benefit, and Revisiting Willingness of Dadaocheng Tourist Area in Taipei City