廖皎含Liao, Chiao-Han蕭莉亞Hsiao, Li-Ya2023-12-082023-08-092023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/49defdb6764df5607245c4537c0472bf/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121885約翰‧瑟巴斯提安‧巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685–1750)在歷史中的重要性已無需贅述,其一生的創作與思想,在三百年後的今天仍然歷久彌新,不斷帶給愛樂者們激勵與感動,使更多學者與研究人員投入巴赫的研究之中。本研究以巴赫《第二冊鍵盤曲集》(Clavier Übung II)中的曲目:《義大利協奏曲》(Italian Concerto, BWV 971)與《法國序曲》(French Overture, BWV 831)為主題;首先,探討樂曲創作背景以及作曲家的思想:從巴洛克(Baroque)時期之歷史文化、曲式體裁與樂器編制等面向切入,了解巴赫與當時代音樂活動之間的互動與關聯,進而知悉巴赫創作與出版樂曲的構想;接著,將針對樂曲本身做分析,從曲式結構、旋律和聲、節奏韻律、聲部織度與演奏詮釋等等層面,解析《義大利協奏曲》與《法國序曲》各樂章,並提出使用現代鋼琴演奏巴赫之音樂,需考量的演奏議題以及可能的詮釋方法。最後,在結論章中,會延伸闡述研究生個人觀點,並分享透過研究與演奏巴赫之《第二冊鍵盤曲集》所帶來的學習與啟發。Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) is one of the most influential musicians of all times. His music and cogitation are still deep-connected to human mind, continue to affect, inspire and trigger scholars and researchers to invest in Bach's research even after 300 years passed. This thesis is based on the repertoires in Bach's Clavier Übung II: Italian Concerto (BWV 971) and French Overture (BWV 831). The first part will elaborate Bach’s compositions and thoughts with the background of history, culture, music form and instrumentation of the Baroque period, as well as the interaction and connection between Bach and musical activities at his time, for the purpose of finding out Bach’s concept of composing and publishing music. The second part analyzes two works of Bach: Italian Concerto (BWV 971) and French Overture (BWV 831). The analysis is based on musical structure, melody, harmony, rhythm and texture, and will also discuss the controversy of interpretation of Bach's music, and the possible answers to this issue. In the end of this study, I will express my personal views and share the inspiration that came out from my own process of studying and performing Clavier Übung II.巴赫鍵盤曲集義大利協奏曲法國序曲巴洛克舞曲Johann Sebastian BachClavier ÜbungItalian ConcertoFrench OvertureBaroque Dances and Music巴赫《第二冊鍵盤曲集》之樂曲分析與演奏詮釋An Analysis and Interpretation of Johann SebastianBach's Clavier Übung IIreport_art