陳金現2014-10-272014-10-272011-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/14962蘇軾來到海南島已經六十二歲的晚年,曾經盼望能夠得到赦免被稍稍遷移,但朝廷覺得蘇軾在元祐年間( 1086-1093) 所寫的策題文字都是譏刺先朝,紹聖四年( 1097) 繼續再蹢海南島。「四周環一島」的無窮想像,與生活條件只有一個「無」字可以形容,米貴如珠、吃藷芋、喝白開水度日的儋州,蘇軾如何找回自己、渡過這種苦厄呢?蘇軾卻熱情積極地入世,儘可能地為百姓作些好事,用真誠融入海南落後困窮的生活,藉著賤草野花能醫病治國的書寫來完成忠義、氣節凜然的個人認同。並鼓勵農民重視牛耕、宣揚儒家文化、教化海南百姓、宣稱自己本來就是海南人的社會認同。Su-shi was 62· years old. He wished can be permitted toward north .But the official thought the banishment wasn't corresponded with his criminals about theofficial documents satirizing former emperor those written at “Yuan You" period. So Su-shi was exiled to Dan Zhou. In a word, the life was “ no" only. How did Su-shi overcome the hardship banishment life.Su-shi was lonely and poor in Dan Zhou but he care about the aborigines andmade good friends with them enthusiastically and had the first disciple Jiang TangZuo (姜唐佐) passed the official examination first in Dan Zhou after Su-shi dead. He cared the aborigines' diseases with herb medicine to satirizing the ability ofmanagement country. Su-shi had finished his identities by faithful and virtuous to people. Besides, Su-shi persuaded people took the buffalo plowed field seriously to improvement the rice production instead of rid diseases by killing them. He lectured Confucius's ideas also and claimed he was belonged to Dan Zhou forever.蘇軾儋州身分認同Su-shiDan Zhouidentity/identities蘇軾在儋州的身分認同The Identities of Su-Shi during Dan Zhou (Hai Nan Dao)