邱銘心Ming-Hsin Phoebe Chiu馮琼愛Chung Ai Feng2019-08-282010-7-272019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097153117%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89142本研究之目的旨在調查臺北市國民小學實施讀報教育的現況,並分析臺北市國民小學實施讀報教育的方法及探討所面臨的問題,以臺北市實施讀報教育的國民小學、教師、學生及學生家長為研究對象;為解答研究問題編製下列四種研究工具來蒐集資料:臺北市國民小學實施讀報教育調查問卷(學校用)、臺北市國民小學實施讀報教育調查問卷(教師用)、臺北市國民小學實施讀報教育調查問卷(學生用)、臺北市國民小學實施讀報教育調查問卷(家長用),以次數分配與χ2考驗等統計方法分析所蒐集的資料,並根據文獻探討擬定訪談大綱補充問卷調查不足的部分。主要研究結果顯示:一、採一人一報及固定時段教學較能有效提升學生的閱讀能力;二、實施讀報教育的方式應以融入課程教學為主;三、教學時間不足是教師實施讀報教育所面臨最大的問題;四、利用報紙做為培養學生閱讀習慣的誘因;五、不同年級的學生應施以不同的讀報教育方法;六、讀報可以培養學生的閱讀習慣、滿足資訊需求;七、實施讀報教育之後學生變得更喜歡閱讀,增加親子溝通的機會。 根據上述的研究發現提出建議如下:學校方面 - 以固定時段輔以一人一報實施讀報教育、辦理多元活動提升學生讀報興趣、推薦績優教師進行經驗分享建立人力資源網絡、推廣親子共讀爭取家長支持;教師方面 -搭配課程主題設計活動、提供學生多元學習機會、親師生協同教學;學生方面 – 針對不同年級學生實以不同的教學方式;家長方面 - 透過家長會宣導、建立志工制度、強化親師合作。後續研究建議:一、結合臺北市國民小學基本學力檢測評估讀報教育的實施成效,並分析其他國家與臺灣實施讀報教育成效的差異;二、深入探討公共圖書館如何配合國民小學合作實施讀報教育之課題。The purpose of this study is investigating the present situations of NIE (Newspaper in Education) in the elementary schools of Taipei City, and analyzing the methods in order to probe into the problems from the schools. The object of study is mainly focused on the teachers, students and parents of the elementary schools in Taipei City. According to the questions of the research, there are four kinds of tools for collecting information: the questionnaire of NIE in the Taipei City elementary schools (for school), the questionnaire of NIE in the Taipei City elementary schools (for teacher), the questionnaire of NIE in the Taipei City elementary schools (for student), and the questionnaire of NIE in the Taipei City elementary schools (for parent) using frequency and chi-square tests to analyze the data collections. In addition, the outline of interview is formed according to the literature review to strengthen the questionnaires. The following major findings: First, one student reads a newspaper with the fixed time interval teaching can promote student's reading ability effectively. Second, NIE should be integrated with the school curriculum primarily. Third, lacking of teaching time is the biggest major problem for implementing newspaper in education. Fourth, encourage the students to cultivate the reading habit using the newspaper as an inducement. Fifth, the students in different grades should apply the different methods of NIE. Sixth, reading newspapers can develop their reading ability and meet the needs of information. Seventh, the students become more interest in reading, and also enhance the positive communication between parents and kids. The following suggestions are based on the findings above: Firstly, there will be the fixed teaching time every week at school, and every student has the full use of learning materials applying the policy “student reads a newspaper” will benefit their reading ability. Secondly, the primary goal is to solve the limitation of teaching time when we implement NIE at school. Thirdly, vary the methods of NIE according to the different grades of students for evaluating the reading ability. Fourthly, encourage family reading for expanding the effects of NIE. The following research suggestions: First, combine the basic aptitude test in Taipei elementary school education in the implementation of the assessment of the effectiveness of the newspaper, and analyze or compare the differences of the effectiveness of NIE between Taiwan and other countries. Second, make a thorough inquiry of how the public libraries work with the elementary school in cooperation with implementing NIE further.國民小學讀報教育現況調查elementary schoolsnewspaper in educationpresent situation臺北市國民小學實施讀報教育現況調查研究A Study of the present situation of Newspaper in Education on Elementary Schools in Taipei City