胡夢鯨2014-10-272014-10-272004-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18904近年來,推動終生學習,邁向學習社會已成為一項重要的世界潮流。包括我國在內的許多國家,均積極致力於制訂各種終生教育的法規和政策,研擬鼓勵全體民眾不斷終生學習。然而,迄今為止,國際上並無一套完整的指標,可以用來評估學習社會的發展程度。如果沒有指標的評估,我們將無法得知一個社會是否已經發展成為一個成熟的學習社會。本研究的主要目的,是要依據學習社會的概念,參酌國內外各種教育及終生學習指標,應用「背景-輸入-過程-產出」(Context-Input-Process-Products)的CIPP模式,建構出一套可以評估學習社會發展程度的指標和理想指數。然後蒐集近四年的教育統計資料,應用這一套指標和指數作一分析,試圖瞭解臺灣地區自「邁向學習社會」白皮書發布以後(即1999年以後)教育投入、過程與產出的一些表現,並且探討這一套指標和指數對我國政府在教育決策上有何重要啟示,作為未來政府教育施政上之參考。During recent years, the promotion of lifelong learning and the development of a“learning society” have become important goals for Taiwan and many other countries. However, we do not yet have development indicators and ideal index systems which can be used to gauge a society's degree of“development” in this regard, and thus to judge whether a society has in fact become a“learning society.” The purpose of this study is therefore to construct development indicators and ideal indices for a learning society according to the learning-society conceptual framework and a Context-Input- Process-Products (CIPP) model. Literature review, focus groups, and questionnaire investigation are the three main methods used. The analysis of 4 years of educational statistics (1999-2002) reveals that in Taiwan most educational developments in the direction of a“learning society” do not come up to the expected ideal indices.學習社會發展指標理想指數教育決策Learning societyDevelopment indicatorsIdeal indicesEducational policy-making學習社會發展指標與理想指數之建構及其對教育決策的啟示Development Indicators and Ideal Indices for Judging the Establishment of a Learning Society, and Their Implications for Educational Policy-Making