闕月清Keh Nyit Chin蔡菊芬Tsai Jiu-Fen2019-09-052008-08-012019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0589041005%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105264本研究旨在瞭解全國高中職體育教師實施融合式適應體育教學之現況與需求,並探討不同背景變項在融合式適應體育教學現況、需求之差異情形。本研究採用問卷調查法,以研究者自編之「高中職實施融合式適應體育教學現況與需求調查研究問卷」為工具,調查對象為全國高中職現任體育教師,問卷寄發456份,回收382份,刪除無效問卷42份,有效回收率70.18%。問卷資料以次數分配、百分率及獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及Scheffé事後比較進行資料處理。本研究主要發現如下:(一)個人背景方面:56.3%具有適應體育進修經驗,以特殊教育學分及短期研習為主。(二)現況方面:在面對安置身心障礙學生班級時,五成以上的體育教師在教學場地及教學模式,均與一般班級相同,很少作調整;很少使用特殊器材教具;對於身心障礙學生的評量,皆能配合其特殊狀況作調整;多數認為學習障礙、輕度障礙學生較適合安置;教學策略方面,最常運用同儕教學,但很少運用協同教學;教學活動內容較常調整規則及環境;支援系統的運用則偏低。(三)需求方面:以行政系統之需要性最高,整體來說,身心障礙學生運動傷害與特殊狀況之防範與處理之研習課程、無障礙體育設施、環境改善、特殊輔助教學設備、器材與教具、經費、專業團隊人士的支援、證照制度等需求高達八成。(四)差異性比較方面:在實施困難認同程度因不同年齡層及教學年資、行政經驗有顯著差異;有進修經驗者認為中度障礙學生亦適合進行安置;教學場地、模式、教具使用、教學活動內容修正、編訂體育課程教學計畫等因有無特教班教學經驗有顯著差異。針對以上發現,本研究作以下結論:一般高中職體育教師在融合式適應體育相關知能仍不足,教育主管單位除多辦理相關研習外,應能主動關心、協助基層教師,確實達到融合精神,以保障身心障礙學生在融合體制下的受教權。The purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation and needs of senior and vocational high school PE teachers who adopted inclusive adapted physical education (IAPE), and to examine the difference brought by teachers with different background variables. Data were collected using self-designed questionnaires. A total of 456 questionnaires were administered to senior and vocational high school PE teachers in Taiwan. The percentage of valid questionnaires was 70.18% (382 returned and 42 invalid copies). The data were statistically analyzed by frequency, percentages, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffé Post Hoc Test. Major findings were as follows: (1) In terms of personal background, 56.3% of teachers surveyed had participated in on-job training about adapted physical education(APE), mostly participating in special education program and short-term training course. (2) In terms of current teaching, more than half of participants of the PE teachers seldom modified teaching facilities and instruction models. They seldom used special teaching equipment in the regular class including students with disabilities. With regard to the evaluation on the students with disabilities, most teachers modified movement skills, evaluation standards and methods to match up the special occasions. Most PE teachers thought that “learning disability” and “moderate disabled” students were more appropriate to be placed in regular classes than those of other disabilities types and levels. As for teaching strategies, peer tutoring was most commonly adopted while team-teaching was rarely applied. For teaching activities, regulations and environment were often adjusted. The support system was seldom used. (3) In terms of teachers’ needs, requirement for administration system items had the highest scores. Over 80% of teachers had demands in information about “prevention and arrangement of exercise injury and special condition for students with disabilities”, “least restrictive environment and related teaching equipments”, “budget”, “the support from professional team with experiences in special education”, and “certification system”. (4)In terms of differences, there were significant differences among age, teaching years and administrative experiences of the teachers on items of teaching difficulties. Teachers with in-service experience thought that students with moderate disabilities should be placed in regular classes. There were significant differences among experience of teaching the special educational class in teaching facilities, models, equipment, content about teaching activities, and writing teaching planning of PE course. In conclusion, senior and vocational high school PE teachers were lack of knowledge of IAPE; the educational authorities should pay more attention and provide training courses and seminar to help teachers to achieve the goal of IAPE, and ensure the educational right of the students with disabilities.融合式適應體育高中職體育教師修正式教學安置inclusive adapted physical educationsenior and high school PE teachersmodified teachingplacement高中職融合式適應體育教學實施現況與需求調查研究An Investigation on the Current Situation and Implementation of Inclusive Adapted Physical Education in Senior and Vocational High School