廖邕Liao, Yung莊翼蓮Chuang, Yi-Lian2022-06-082021-09-282022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/87b21484cdd1ef30c1a9b4c298d362ac/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117595職業衛生護理專業的發展是台灣穩定健康勞動人力資源重要的條件之一。勞工健康服務護理人員 (職護) 若能發揮應有的專業能力、有效應用多方資源,不僅能實踐專業價值,更可保障工作者的職業安全與健康。據此,本研究希冀能比較「專職職護 (員工人數在300人以上的事業單位的專責護理人員) 」以及「特約職護 (勞工人數達 50至 299 人的三大類事業單位所聘請之特約護理人員) 」之身體活動與睡眠型態的差異。本研究利用立意取樣及便利取樣方式,分別招募「特約職護」以及「專職職護」參與本研究,並請參與者配戴七日的三軸加速規 (Actigraph GT3X),評估其身體活動量與睡眠型態,再以獨立樣本T檢定比較其差異。在去除無效的樣本後,本研究共有「特約職護」16人及「專職職護」21人納入分析。研究結果顯示,「專職職護」的每日步數 (7398.9 ± 1730.6步vs 6192.9 ± 1776.6步) 及輕強度身體活動 (300.3 ± 54.3分鐘vs. 260.8 ± 52.3分鐘) 顯著高於「特約職護」,而其他身體活動指標如中強度身體活動、高強度身體活動則沒有顯著差異。此外,四項睡眠型態指標 (睡眠效率、睡眠總時間、入睡後整晚醒來的總時間、夜間覺醒次數) 同樣沒有顯著差異。期望透過本研究之調查之結果,能提供事業管理階層與相關主管機關作為參考依據,以提升職業衛生護理人員身心安適,進而促進健康職場之推動。Occupational health and safety professionals play a key role of healthy labor human resources in Taiwan. Occupational health nurses can use their professional competence and integrate resources can protect workers’ safety and health. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the differences of physical activity and sleep patterns between full-time occupational health nurses (business unit over 300 employees) and special occupational health nurses (business unit with 50-299 employees. Purposive and convenience sampling was used to recruit special and full-time occupational health nurse. Participants were asked to wear accelerometer (Actigraph GT3X) for continuous 7 days to assess their physical activity and sleep patterns. Independent t test were used. After data cleaning, data on 16 special and full-time occupational health nurseswere analyzed. The results showed that full-time occupational health nurses engaged in higher daily steps (7398.9 ± 1730 vs. 6192.9 ± 1776.6 steps) and more light-intensity physical activity (300.3 ± 54.3 vs. 260.8 ± 52.3 minutes/day) than special ones, whereas no significant differences were observed in moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity physical activity. Moreover, no significant differences were found in four sleep indicators (sleep efficiency, sleep duration, wake after sleep onset, number of awakenings)。Our results are informative to policy makers and administrative officials to promote physical and mental health of occupational health nurses, for achieving the goal of healthy work environment.特約職護專職職護身體活動睡眠型態special and full-time occupational health nursephysical activitysleep pattern特約與專職職護客觀測量身體活動與睡眠型態之比較研究Objectively-measured physical activity and sleep patterns between special and full-time occupational health nurse學術論文