吳舜文Wu, Shun-Wen郭佩芬Kuo, Pei-Fen2020-12-142020-06-302020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003A02102%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110141本研究旨在探討「桌遊融入資優生創造力課程方案」於提升國小中、高年級七位校本資優生創思能力之成效與可行性。本研究融入三款桌遊媒材,在五步驟三階段的課程實施過程中引導並激發學生的創造思考能力,透過課室觀察分析,並佐以協同教師反饋、學生自評與訪談分析及研究者的自我省思,檢視本課程方案的適切性。 本研究結果歸納整理如下: 一、學生在接受桌遊融入資優生創造力課程後,能發揮創造思考能力。在課程方案實施過程,學生能全神貫注參與遊戲,配合課程三階段進行學習,並展現高度競爭意圖與求勝心,制定策略並發揮創造思考能力,通力合作力求好表現。在方案課程實施後,學生給予課程正向回饋,認為課程方案有助於提升創造思考能力。 二、藉由課程方案的設計與執行,能提升教師課程設計能力與教學效能。本課程設計嘗試結合桌遊媒材,以符應十二年國教資賦優異相關之特殊教育需求領域課綱制訂的相關內涵。結果發現學生接受度高,且桌遊的融入能激發學生各種潛在的創造思考能力。The study aimed to explore the effectiveness and the feasibility of “An Inquiry on the Project of Integrating Board Games into the Creativity Curriculum for Gifted Students” in enhancing the creativity of gifted students of 4th to 6th graders in elementary school. The researcher incorporated three sets of board games, guiding and stimulating students’ creative thinking skills during the five-step/three-stage course. The research also examined the appropriateness of the curriculum through the observation of the class, the analysis of class recordings, the feedbacks of the collaborative teacher, students’ self-evaluation and interview analysis, and the reflection of the researcher. The results of this study are as follows: First, after taking this course, students can develop their creative thinking abilities. During the process of the 3-stage course implementation, students can concentrate on the games, display a high degree of competitive intent and desire to win, formulate strategies, exert creative thinking skills and work together to achieve a better result. Furthermore, students gave positive feedbacks on this project, assuming that this curriculum does help enhance their creative thinking abilities. Second, through the design and implementation of the curriculum, teachers can improve their curriculum design ability and teaching effectiveness. This course attempted to incorporate board games to be in accordance with the core values of the directions of the 12-year Basic Education Curricula on Special Education. The results showed that the curriculum design is highly accepted and the implementation of board games can stimulate students’ potential creative thinking abilities.桌遊資優生創造力課程board gamesgifted-studentscreativity curriculum桌遊融入資優生創造力課程方案之探究An Inquiry on the Project of Integrating Board Games into the Creativity Curriculum for Gifted Students