劉敏華林世華Liu, Min-huaLin, Sieh-hwa丘羽先Chiu, Yu-hsien2019-09-032017-08-122019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0897250012%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95976本研究旨在探討原文速度對英譯中同步口譯產出之語言及時間面向的影響,並檢視原文速度與英語能力之交互作用對口譯產出各面向的影響。本研究之實驗材料為三篇英文演講。每篇演講之原文速度操弄為三個水準:每分鐘100字、每分鐘130字與每分鐘160字。 實驗參與者為28位翻譯研究所口譯組學生。這28位參與者依照英語能力檢定程度區分成高英語能力與低英語能力兩組。每位參與者翻譯三篇演講,而三篇演講的速度均不同。參與者之同步口譯產出則從六個語言面向與三個時間面向來分析。語言面向包括詞彙的漏譯、片段的漏譯、詞彙的替代、片段的替代、句構干擾與詞彙多樣性。時間面向包括耳口間距(EVS)、無聲停頓之次數與產出速度。 實驗結果採用線性混合模式(linear mixed model)之變異數分析,以檢視原文速度及原文速度與英語能力之交互作用對九項口譯產出面向的影響。統計分析結果顯示,原文速度與英語能力之交互作用對口譯產出面向的影響均不顯著,而原文速度對詞彙的漏譯、片段的漏譯、詞彙的替代、句構干擾、詞彙多樣性、EVS、無聲停頓與產出速度等八個面向則有顯著影響。 Bonferroni事後檢定結果顯示,在每分鐘100字的速度下,學生口譯員的詞彙漏譯與詞彙替代比在每分鐘130字與160字的速度下要多,而片段漏譯則是隨著原文速度上升而增加。在每分鐘100字的速度下,學生口譯員受到的原文句構干擾比在每分鐘160字的速度下顯著要高。不過,學生口譯員的詞彙多樣性則是在每分鐘160字的速度下比另外兩個速度顯著要高。就時間面向而言,當原文速度從每分鐘100字上升至每分鐘130字,學生口譯員的EVS縮短,無聲停頓次數減少,產出速度加快。原文速度從每分鐘130字上升至160 字時,學生口譯員的無聲停頓次數持續減少,但EVS並未持續縮短,而產出速度也未顯著增加。以上結果顯示,原文速度過快或過慢,對學生口譯員的產出都會造成困難。即便英語能力與原文速度之交互作用均未達顯著,英語能力仍然對學生口譯員的同步口譯表現有重要影響。高英語能力組學生的片段漏譯現象顯著較少,處理中英句構差異時採用顯著較多的順譯策略,而產出速度也比低英語能力組學生顯著要快。This research seeks to investigate the effects of input rate as well as the interactive effects of input rate and English proficiency on the linguistic and temporal aspects of the output of simultaneous interpreting (SI) from English into Chinese. In the present study, three source speeches were used and the input rate of these speeches was manipulated to be at three levels – 100 wpm, 130 wpm, and 160 wpm – for the SI experiment. Twenty-eight graduate students of interpreting participated in the experiment. The participants were divided into high and low groups according to their English proficiency levels. Each participant interpreted three source speeches and the input rate of each speech was different. Six linguistic and three temporal parameters were adopted to analyze the participants’ SI output. The linguistic parameters include omissions of words, omissions of segments, substitutions of words, substitutions of segments, syntactic interference, and lexical diversity. The temporal parameters include EVS, the number of unfilled pauses, and the output rate. A linear mixed model analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine the effects of input rate as well as the interactive effects of input rate and English proficiency on the nine aspects of student interpreters’ output. The results of statistical analysis indicated that there was no significant interactive effect between input rate and English proficiency on student interpreters’ output, but there were significant effects of input rate on omissions of words, omissions of segments, substitutions of words, syntactic interference, lexical diversity, EVS, unfilled pauses, and the output rate. The Bonferroni post hoc tests revealed that student interpreters made more omissions and substitutions of words at 100 wpm than at 130 wpm and 160 wpm. However, they omitted more segments as the input rate increased. The extent of syntactic interference from the source language was significantly higher at 100 wpm than at 160 wpm. In addition, student interpreters’ lexical diversity was significantly higher at 160 wpm than at the two slower rates. As for the influence of input rate on the temporal aspects, when the input rate increased from 100 wpm to 130 wpm, student interpreters shortened their EVS, paused less and spoke faster. As the input rate increased from 130 wpm to 160 wpm, their unfilled pauses decreased further. However, their EVS did not shorten further and the output rate did not increase beyond the rate of 130 wpm. These findings suggest that both slow and fast input rates posed difficulty to student interpreters’ SI output. Although no significant interactive effect was found between input rate and English proficiency, English proficiency still played an important role in the SI performance. Students in the high proficiency group made significantly fewer omissions of segments and adopted more linearity strategies when dealing with syntactic differences between English and Chinese. They also spoke faster than the low proficiency group.原文速度錯誤分析句構干擾詞彙多樣性耳口間距無聲停頓產出速度input rateerror analysissyntactic interferencelexical diversityEVSunfilled pausesoutput rate原文速度對英譯中同步口譯產出之影響The Effects of Input Rate on the Output of Simultaneous Interpreting from English into Chinese