田振榮徐華助2019-09-042007-08-102019-09-042007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592701205%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98830本研究的研究目的在瞭解新竹縣生涯發展教育與技藝教育學程的實施現況,主要探討生涯發展教育及技藝教育學程的實施現況與學生學習滿意度的情形。針對國中輔導處主任、組長、輔導活動科教師與選讀技藝教育學程的國三學生來進行研究。採用自編的「新竹縣國中生涯發展教育課程實施現況調查問卷」及「新竹縣國中技藝教育學程學生學習滿意度調查問卷」為工具,以普查方式進行研究。有效問卷為:教師問卷106份、學生問卷669份,將獲得資料採用百分比、排序、平均數、次數分配、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後比較等統計方法分析;並獲得結論如下: 一、新竹縣生涯發展教育實施現況 (一)新竹縣生涯發展教育推動普遍受到重視,積極規畫推動事宜,成效良好,能達到其預期效益。 (二)行政措施與運作良好。 (三)課程與教學推動頗為積極。 (四)生涯檔案建置情形良善。 (五)經費運用情形充裕,惟尚待提昇辦理效益。 二、新竹縣技藝教育學程實施現況 (一)新竹縣轄內各校辦理「國中技藝教育學程」非常積極。 (二)教師對技藝教育改革方案實施後,認為能達到其預期效益。 (三)新竹縣辦理國中技藝教育學程,組織運作良好。 (四)就學生遴薦與學習方面,能以學生意願為主,提高學生學習興。 (五)就師資方面,大多具有專業證照,教學成效良好。 (六)就課程與教材方面,規劃良善,能符合學生需求。 (七)就經費運用方面,政府提供技藝教育學程的補助,大致尚可提昇技藝教育學程之效益。 (八)就教師建議與與看法方面: 1.目前實施之技藝教育學程教學更能符合國中教育需求。 2.實施國中技藝教育競賽有助於職業試探的功能。 3.以專案編班及更多的時數來辦理技藝教育學程教學更能符合目前國中所需。 三、學生學習滿意度 (一)選讀技藝教育學程學生總體學習滿意度達「滿意」的平均水準。 (二)學生的學業成績、選讀原因及選讀動機會影響學生的學習滿意度。 最後根據前述的結論,擬定相關建議事項,以提供相關行政單位、學校、教師及後續研究之參考。This study intends to understand the current implementation status for career development education and technical art program for junior high schools. in Hsinchu county The main focus is to explore the current implementation status for career development and skill education courses, and subsequent student approval ratings. The subjects under study are primarily a selected group of junior high counseling directors, team leaders, science and technology teachers assisting counseling activities, and 10th grade students attending the elected skill education courses. Survey tools include self-edited “Investigative queries for current implementation status of career development education courses for Hsinchu County junior high”, and “Student learning approval queries for current implementation status of career development education courses for Hsinchu County junior high”. And these tools used in this general survey are intended to facilitate ongoing studies. Effective queries are: 106 copies from teacher, 669 from students. And data collected from queries were analyzed through statistical methods in percentages, sequencing, averages, number of times distribution, t test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe methods, etc. And the findings are concluded as follow: 1. The current implementation status for career development courses at Hsinchu County. i. These courses did produce anticipated results。 ii. Both career development education course and teaching promotion for it are conducted in a proactive way。 iii. Setup for career files were proceeding smoothly as anticipated。 iv. Use of funds are generally fair and acceptable。 2. The current implementation status for academic plan of skill education at Hsinchu County: i. Every school is very proactive towards conducting “junior high academic plan of skill education”. ii. The implementation for skill education reform reached anticipated results. iii. Administration organization operated fairly smooth. iv. Plan for courses and teaching materials are found to be responsive to students’ needs. v. Selection of students and teaching applied always centered around student’s willingness, and this encouraged and stimulated student’s interest of learning. vi. Most of the teaching staff possess professional certificates, and the teaching results are well reflected in this regard. vii. Funding was generally adequate and well spent with results. 3. Student satisfaction ratings: i. Overall rating average from students selecting skill education courses reached “Satisfied” status In terms of academic achievement students who performed well put a greater importance on the value of physiology, sychology, interpersonal relationships, emotion, occupation and life compared to students with lower levels of achievement. ii. Scholastic records 、different motives and motives for course selections would affect the ratings of student satisfaction. Based on the above conclusions, this study also proposes suggestions and items in order to provide future references to relevant administration, school and teacher, and expected to be adopted into ensuing research studies.生涯發展教育技藝教育技藝教育學程學習滿意度Career Development EducationPractical EducationTechnical Arts Educational ProgramLearning Satisfaction新竹縣國中生涯發展教育與技藝教育學程實施現況之研究A Study of Career Development Education and Technical Art Program for Junior High Schools in Hsinchu County