陳學志黃博聖Chen, Hsueh-ChihHuang, Po-Sheng黃詩媛Huang, Shih-Yuan2023-12-082027-07-262023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6a28b6beabf22b4f8ce10b4e0dd452d0/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119612新住民子女具備雙重文化的身分及多元文化的成長背景,因而促成其在創造力的優勢。多元文化研究指出,雙文化背景的兒童在執行功能顯著優於單一文化背景的兒童,且執行功能與衍生情緒可能影響創造力表現;雙文化者的創造力優勢需考量其涵化取向,透過文化適應中涵化取向可能會激起正負向情感,而創造力與學業成就之間存在關聯性。故本研究將觸角擴展至學齡前幼兒階段及中學階段,瞭解新住民族群之發展特質。採取多元化評估方式,以操作式測驗及自陳式量表測量個體表現,檢證新住民子女創造力優勢之內在機制,探究影響其創造力優勢之可能因素,目前還沒有明確的實徵研究,有待本研究進一步釐清。首先,研究一主要以學齡前幼兒發展層次出發,使用臺灣幼兒發展調查資料庫中兩波次同一群的學齡前幼兒樣本,第一波次新住民幼兒169名,本地幼兒樣本1,886名,總計共2055名幼兒。第二波次新住民幼兒144名,本地幼兒樣本1,747名,總計共1891名幼兒。檢驗不同族群幼兒在認知發展與衍生情緒的差異表現,瞭解其表現特質,作為後續研究延伸探討之依據。結果顯示,本地幼兒在各項能力得分皆顯著高於新住民幼兒,新住民幼兒衍生情緒得分低於本地幼兒,低害羞、低恥感,可能為正向預測創造力優勢的潛在因子。執行功能效果未彰顯,可能跟自陳式量表與家長評量方式有關,有待後續研究二克服相關限制。研究二測量執行功能測驗以相對客觀性的操作式測驗作為指標,使個體實際操作執行功能的表現能力,精準測量、評估個體執行功能的抑制能力、轉換能力、更新能力等成分。研究二以不同族群的個人層次進行探討,以青少年新住民子女與本地子女為研究對象,新住民子女240名,本地子女354名,總共594名中學生。研究結果發現,新住民子女在創造性人格、創造思考之流暢力、變通力、獨創力,及創造性傾向之冒險性、好奇性、挑戰性得分顯著高於本地子女。新住民子女在操作式執行功能之轉換能力、更新能力顯著高於本地子女,以及衍生情緒之害羞和恥感得分顯著低於本地子女。本地子女則是在抑制能力顯著高於新住民子女。透過多重中介分析結果,大陸新住民子女會因為具有較好的轉換能力,而有較高的創造性人格;大陸新住民子女會因為具有較低的恥感特質,進而提升其挑戰性。東南亞新住民子女會因為具有較佳的更新能力,而有較佳的流暢力與變通力;東南亞新住民子女的創造性人格和想像力比較好,是因他們比較不害羞;東南亞新住民子女冒險性和挑戰性比較好,是因為他們恥感比較低,進而提升其冒險性和挑戰性。意即,學齡前新住民幼兒之執行功能效果未彰顯,於青少年中學階段之新住民子女在執行功能之轉換能力、更新能力表現顯著高於本地子女。在衍生情緒中,幼兒與青少年階段之得分皆以新住民子女低於本地子女。可知,造就新住民子女創造力優勢的可能因素,在認知層面上,新住民子女具有較佳的轉換能力與更新能力所致,在情意層面上,新住民子女較本地子女不害羞、恥感較低所致。研究三以多元文化層次切入,青少年新住民子女240名為研究對象,研究結果發現,整合型新住民子女具有較高的正向情感,進而提升其創造性傾向之表現;整合型涵化取向的新住民子女透過豐富情感表現,進而激發在想像力的展現。新住民子女在接觸臺灣文化與原生國文化之文化適應歷程中,在接受新想法與不尋常的事件或情況,透過正向情感的表達取向,產生創造性思維,再經由創造性人格、創造性傾向、創造思考能力,進而有較佳的學業表現。本研究延伸過去新住民子女創造力優勢之心理機制,突破現有研究發現,同時兼顧認知、情意、社會等各個面向進行更深入的探討,全面性的觀點探討新住民子女創造力優勢之可能因素及其內在機制,建立更完整的創造力優勢歷程。本研究突破過去研究進一步以自小在臺灣生長的新住民幼兒、青少年,著眼於新住民子女的優勢觀點。研究建議聚焦於認知層次的培養與情意層次的推動,鼓勵子女適性發揮其優勢特質。The bicultural identity and multicultural upbringing of new immigrant children contribute to their strengths of creativity. The literature on multiculturalism shows that children with bicultural backgrounds have significantly better executive function than children with monocultural background, and executive function and secondary emotion may affect creative performance; the creative strengths of bicultural people need to consider their acculturation orientation. Positive and negative affect may be evoked through acculturation orientation, and there is a correlation between creativity and academic performance. There is no clear empirical research, to address this gap, this study extended the research scope to the preschool and middle school stages in order to understand the developmental characteristics of the new immigrant children. Present study has used the diversified assessment methods to measure individual performance with operational tests and self-reporting scales, and verified the process of the creative strengths of new immigrant children, and identified the potential factors that affect the creative strengths of new immigrant children. First, study 1 mainly started from the development level of preschool children, using two waves of preschool children from the database “Kids in Taiwan (KIT)” in order to examine the differences of strengths between ethnic groups. The first wave of samples included 169 new immigrant children and 1,886 native children of their own nationalities, for a total of 2,055 children. The second wave of samples included 144 new immigrant children and 1,747 native children, for a total of 1,891 children. To examine the differences in cognitive development and secondary emotions among the new immigrant children, and to understand their performance characteristics, as a basis for further research. The results show that low shyness and shame may be potential factors that positively predict creativity strengths. The effect of executive function is not obvious, the reason might be using the self-reported scale and parental evaluation methods. Study 2 by using a relatively objective manipulative test as the indicator, and participants complete the executive function test for individual inhibition, switching, and updating ability, for these abilities could be precisely measured. The second study explored the individual level of different ethnic groups, recruited middle school students' new immigrant children and native children as the participants, including 240 new immigrant children and 354 native children, a total of 594 students. The results of second study found that children of new immigrant children scored significantly higher than native children in creative personality, and fluency, flexibility, originality in creative thinking, and in adventure, curiosity, and challenge of creative tendency. In addition, the switching and updating ability of the executive functionof the new immigrant children were significantly higher than those of the native children, and the scores of shyness and shame of the secondary emotion were significantly lower than those of the native children. Native children are significantly higher in inhibition ability than new immigrant children. As the results of multiple mediation analysis showed, the children of Mainland China's new immigrant had a higher creative personality because of their better switching ability; the children of Mainland China's new immigrant had a lower trait of shame, which would make them to be more risk-taking. Children of new immigrants in Southeast Asia had better fluency and flexibility because of their better updating ability; children of new immigrants in Southeast Asia had better creative personalities and imagination because they are less shy; children of new immigrants in Southeast Asia are adventure and challenge because they have a lower sense of shame, which would enhance their characteristics of adventure and challenge. That is to say, the executive function effect of preschool-aged new immigrant children is not obvious, and the performance of the switching and updating ability of executive function of the new immigrant children in the adolescent middle school stage is significantly higher than that of the native children. As for the secondary emotion, the scores of the children of the new immigrant children were lower than those of the native children at the preschool childhood and adolescence stages. It refers the potential factors of creative strengths of the children of new immigrants because the children of new immigrants had better switching and updating ability at the cognitive level. In terms of affection, the children of the new immigrant were less shy and had a lower sense of shame than the native children. The third study was based on the multicultural level, and 240 children of new immigrants are the participants. The results of the study found that the acculturation orientation of integration of new immigrant children had a higher positive affect, which in turn enhanced the performance of their creative tendencies; The children of the new immigrant facilitated their imaginations by expressing their affect. In the process of acculturation while influencing both by the host culture and the home culture, the children of new immigrants accept new ideas and unusual events or situations and develop creative thinking through positive affect expression. Then through creativity and then have better academic performance.新住民子女文化適應創造力執行功能衍生情緒new immigrant childrenacculturationcreativityexecutive functionsecondary emotion幼兒與青少年新住民子女創造力優勢之歷程The Process for Strengths of Creativity for Children and Adolescents of New Immigrantsetd