國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系黃淑貞洪文綺殷蘊雯2014-12-022014-12-022003-12-011561-8137http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39887本研究旨在探討大學生身體意象分佈及長期變化情形。以82學年度就讀於某大學學生為研究母群,分層集束抽取適當的樣本數,採團體自填問卷收集相關資料。1993年12月進行第一次施測,回收有效問卷537份;1996年4月再調查一次做為長期追蹤資料,完成兩次問卷共計有444人,回收率達樣本數的74.0%。本研究即以此縱貫性調查資料作次級資料分析(secondary data analysis)。 所收集資料以頻率分布、平均值、標準差等描述性統計及卡方檢定、t檢定及配對t檢定等統計方式進行分析。 研究結果發現:對於身體意象的評價,男生較女生正向;女生比男生更加關注外表及體重,長期追蹤時此種現象仍然存在。研究對象之身體意象包括體型認知及體型滿意度,兩次調查平均值差距甚微,前後比較並未呈現顯著差異。建議未來從事教育時應避免大眾對身體意象刻板化的迷思,培養正向的身體意象,未來研究可擴大研究對象年齡層,以建立身體意象的長期資料庫。The main purpose of this study was to investigate the distribution of the longitudinal data of body image of undergraduate students. The data were first collected in December, 1993 and followed-up in April, 1996. Five hundred and thirty- seven students of a university in Taipei City completed a self-administered questionnaire that examined socio-demographic variables and body image. Four hundred and forty-four out of the original 537 students were followed- up successfully. Data were analyzed by means of frequencies, means, and standard deviation, Chi-square test, t-test and paired t-test. The results showed that: (1) Both the male and the female students wanted to be skinnier than they actual were. (2) As for the degree of satisfaction with personal body shape, the male students perceived themselves more positively than the female students do; it remained the same in the follow-up study. Meanwhile, the female students were more concerned about the appearance and weight than their male counterparts. (3) The body image and the degree of satisfaction with the body-shape of the undergraduate students were of little difference between the initial and follow-up measurements. The authors suggested a need for gender-specific tailored information on body image, as well as a need for continuing focusing on the importance of body image to improve personal health. Also, the sample could include specific groups of diverse background to generate more information.大學生身體意象身體質量指數BMI值縱貫性研究性別差異Undergraduate studentBody imageBody mass indexBMILongitudinal studyGender difference大學生身體意象之長期追蹤研究:性別差異的影響