張鳳琴Chang, Fong-Ching卓宥騏Chou, Szu-Ying2022-06-082023-02-192022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/af352705d74c823016cc7b87119d4586/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117628本研究目的是為瞭解學校防疫人員面對2020年新冠肺炎(COVID-19)的壓力、困境與策略。本研究採質性研究,透過深度訪談,選擇新北市3所學校,共訪談了校長1位、學務主任2位、衛生組長1位、護理師3位,研究結果如下: 一、 學校防疫人員面對新冠肺炎(COVID-19)的壓力包括:(1)疾病未知壓力:對疾病傳染途徑、治療方式、致死率不明及病毒變異性高。(2)防疫工作角色與工作壓力:教育局防疫政策不明、學校防疫無妥善規劃及業務繁重。(3)害怕染病成為傳播者:害怕本身受到感染傳給學生及家人。(4)身心壓力:對疫情恐慌、恐懼產生緊張、焦慮、頭痛、腸胃不適等。 二、 學校人員防疫執行上的困境包括:(1)市面上防疫物資缺貨、學校防疫物資及經費不足。(2)學校無處理經驗、防疫政策改變頻繁。(3)教職員、家長、志工對防疫工作配合度不高。 三、 學校人員防疫執行上的策略包括:(1)校內跨科室合作共同推動防疫策略。(2)管理及加強班級執行防疫作為及強化家長防疫作為。 本研究建議學校成立跨處室的防疫小組,隨時啟動校園相關防疫措施,提供傳染病相關教育訓練課程,確實盤點防疫物資時時做準備。The purpose of this research was to understand the pressure, difficulties and strategies of school epidemic prevention personnel facing the new crown pneumonia (COVID-19) in 2020. The qualitative research method and in-depth interviews were conducted. Three schools in New Taipei City were selected. A total of 1 principal, 2 academic directors, 1 health team leader, and 3 school nurses were interviewed. The findings were as follows. 1. The pressure of school epidemic prevention personnel facing the new crown pneumonia (COVID-19) included: (1) Unknown disease pressure: the path of transmission of the disease, the treatment method, the unknown mortality rate, and the highly variable virus. (2) Epidemic prevention work role and work pressure: the education bureau's epidemic prevention policy was unclear, the school had no proper planning for epidemic prevention, and the business were heavy. (3) Fear of becoming a spreader: fear of being infected and spreading it to students and family members. (4) Physical and mental stress: tension, anxiety, headache, gastrointestinal discomfort, etc. caused by panic and fear of the epidemic. 2. Difficulties in the implementation of epidemic prevention for school personnel included: (1) Epidemic prevention materials onthe market were out of stock, and school epidemic prevention materials and funds were insufficient. (2) The school had no handling experiences and frequent changes in epidemic prevention policies. (3) Faculty, parent, and volunteers were not cooperative in epidemic prevention. 3. The implementation strategies of school personnel for epidemic prevention included: (1) Collaborate across departments within the school to jointly promote epidemic prevention strategies. (2) Manage and strengthen the class to implement epidemic prevention measures and strengthen parents' epidemic prevention measures. This study recommended that schools set up a cross-office epidemic prevention team, initiate campus-related epidemic prevention measures at any time, provide infectious disease-related education and training courses, and make sure to inventory epidemic prevention materials from time to time.學校防疫人員新冠肺炎(COVID-19)壓力困境策略school epidemic prevention personnelstrategyCOVID-19stressdifficulties國民小學學校防疫人員面對新冠肺炎的壓力、困境與策略Elementary School Personnel’s Stress, Difficulties and Strategies Facing COVID-19 Outbreak學術論文