王梅玲  2014-10-272014-10-272007-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15395網路時代,圖書館員需要具備專業能力以有效執行資訊組織工作及整理網路與數位資源,圖書資訊學校需因應時代變遷與圖書館期許調整資訊組織與數位資源組織課 程以培養資訊組織專家。本研究旨在探討我國資訊組織與Metadata教育現況及是否符合圖書館需求,研究目的包括:(1)調查我國圖書資訊學系所提供資 訊組織課程現況。(2)調查我國圖書資訊學系所提供網路與數位資源組織課程現況。(3)探討Metadata課程與編目課程的關係。(4)探討我國資訊組 織課程是否符合圖書館員的專業能力需求。本研究利用問卷調查輔以網站內容分析,調查我國圖書資訊學系所資訊組織課程與Metadata課程現況,並探討 Metadata與編目課程關係,以及資訊組織供應與圖書館需求之平衡。研究結果顯示臺灣9所圖書資訊學校開設22門基礎資訊組織課程、46門進階課程、 6門網路與數位資源組織課程,共74門,平均每校開設8.2門課,其中有2門Metadata課程。The article mainly discusses organization of information as well as Metadata education in Taiwan. The paper presents finding of a survey on the state of cataloging and Metadata education in nine library and information science programs in Taiwan. The author sent questionnaires to nine library and information science programs, used web sites content analysis, and undertook in-depth interviews with faculties teaching organization of information courses. The survey showed there were seventy four courses on cataloging and Metadata provided, including twenty-two basic courses, forty six advanced courses, and six internet and digital information organizing courses. Among those courses, there were two Metadata courses provided by Fu-Jen Catholic University and Hsuang Chuang University. Metadata topics were well integrated into organization of information curriculum. Although educators agreed on the inclusion of specific knowledge and skills in Metadata instruction, they did not agree that it was necessary to provide Metadata courses. They also agreed that there were gaps between cataloging / Metadata education and library need for shortage of course credit hours. Some suggestions were proposed to assist education in providing students with competencies in cataloging and Metadata.資訊組織資訊組織教育專業能力編目教育後設資料後設資料教育課程設計Organization of informationEducation for organization of informationProfessional competenciesCataloging educationMetadataMetadata educationCurricula design臺灣資訊組織與Metadata教育之研究Cataloging and Metadata Education in Taiwan Library and Information Science Programs