蔡虔祿Chien-Lu Tsai許家銘Hsu chia ming2019-09-052007-7-252019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692300436%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105560不同抓槓方式引體向上之肌電訊號分析 研 究 生:許家銘 96/06/15 指導教授:蔡虔祿 摘 要 本研究主要為了解不同握槓方式的引體向上,上肢肌群間作用之差異,以了解引體向上在上肢訓練之功能。本研究以八位大專優秀體操選手為受試者(平均年齡21.25±2.19歲,身高167±5.63公分,體重63.25±6.58公斤),分析他們在實施正握併手、反握併手、正握與肩同寬、反握與肩同寬、正握與肩1.5倍寬及反握與肩1.5倍寬等不同抓槓方式的生物力學變數差異。以Biovision肌電系統(1200Hz)蒐集屈腕肌、伸腕肌、肱二頭肌、肱三頭肌、胸大肌、後三角肌、斜方肌及闊背肌等八個肌群之肌電訊號;Biovision關節角度計(1200Hz)蒐集肘關節角度變化及Redlake高速攝影機(60Hz)拍攝動作影像。所得資訊經重覆量數單因子變異數分析及杜凱式(Tukey)事後比較的結果為: 引體向上的動作分期身體下降,肘關節伸長的時間比身體上升(肘關節屈曲)長。尤其在下降期的後段愈慢,可能是因為保護肘關節不使之過度伸展之故。六個抓槓方式中以伸腕肌的肌電訊號最大,動作平均之最大值(0.34±0.19 %),而肱三頭肌則為動作平均之最小值(0.13±0.05 %)。胸大肌於反握併手時比其他引體向上動作有較明顯的肌電訊號在最大肌電振幅(0.34±0.11 %)及IEMG(0.28±0.10 %.s)。 建議必須使用伸腕肌群的運動,如持拍類的項目可以多為利用引體向上的訓練。 關鍵詞:引體向上、肌電圖、積分肌電、正反握The upper limb EMG analysis of Chin-Up exercise in different interval grips Graduate Students:Chia-Ming Hsu 96/06/15 Advisor:Chien-Lu Tsai Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare the surface EMG signal variables among difference muscle groups in the upper limbs at various gripping gestures in chin up exercise. Eight elite college gymnasts (age: 21.25±2.19 years old, height: 167±5.63cm, weight: 63.25±6.58kg) were served as the subjects of this study. Eight upper limb muscle groups, such as wrist flexors, wrist extensors, biceps brachii, triceps, pectoralis major, deltoid, trapezius, latissimus dorsi worked in six Chin-Up grip gestures (over hand with both hands gathered together, under hand with both hands gathered together, over hand with the same width of the shoulder, under hand with the same width of the shoulder, over hand with width 1.5 times the shoulder, and under hand with width 1.5 times the shoulder) were recorded by Biovision EMG system(1200Hz), the right hand elbow angular data was obtained by Biovision goniometer, and the action were videoed by Redlake high speed digital camera(60Hz). The data were analyzed by repeated measure one-way ANOVA and Tukey Post Hoc comparison at a .05 significant level. The results are as follows: The recovery period duration time was longer than the time of exert period, especially at the later part in the recovery period. The reason of this condition may be because of the protection to the elbow joint. The wrist extensors were observed with the highest EMG amplitude (0.34±0.19%) and triceps were observed with the lowest amplitude (0.13±0.05 %) in all the actions at six gripping gestures. Pectoralis major showed the highest EMG amplitude(0.34±0.11%) and IEMG (0.28±0.10%.s) in the gesture of under hand with both hands gathered together. We found that the Chin-Up exercise will benefit to the racket sports because of the training on the wrist extensors, wrist flexors and biceps. Key word:chin-up、EMG、IEMG、over and under hand引體向上肌電圖積分肌電正反握chin-upEMGIEMGover and under hand不同抓槓方式引體向上之肌電訊號分析The upper limb EMG analysis of Chin-Up exercise in different interval grips