陳心怡Hsin-Yi Chen陳維婷Wei-Ting Chen2019-08-282013-2-262019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697090074%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91868本研究採個案研究方式,旨在描述兩名不被看好的自閉症個案在綜合職能科三年級至畢業後的轉銜至就業歷程,探究這期間的機會與限制,以及個案之相關他人如何面對期間重要事件的發生與轉折。 個案從似乎「不可能」就業至「可能」就業的過程發現,自閉症就業機會受多元因素的影響,包括本身特質、家庭功能、雇主態度、教師中介等;且會受其中因素組合的影響,若正向條件大於負向條件,相對就業機會也越大;自閉症個案在畢業後或者已獲取工作後,並非代表可以一帆風順,過程中仍有特殊狀況發生,個案行為情緒問題,安全疑慮,面臨被解僱的危機等問題,會造成雇主、家庭的困擾與衝擊。 研究中影響自閉症個案就業歷程之要素包括:讓實習機會融入媒合」觀點,藉由實習機會讓雇主看到自閉症孩子的就業潛能;老師的力量可以提昇個體的工作表現,開啟工作資源,但對畢業後實際就業協助有限;在適切的工作媒合下,個案的能力和表現是被僱用的主因;「家長支持度」是相對重要因素,家長若能成為孩子就業中的最佳的「庇護者」,有利於孩子的職場適應;雇主的支持與掙扎仍是著眼於個案的工作能力,同情支撐無法長久;孩子就業的安置類型,除了衡量個案工作能力外,家庭、家長的資源和優勢條件也需考慮;整體的機會條件要大於限制條件,才有持續就業的機會。 依據研究結果,針對家長、教師、勞政單位提出相關建議,如下:需預備、強化家長的能力,讓家長成為孩子就業過程的庇護力量;教師需對孩子有深度的了解,以及對店家工作內容的了解,以利工作媒合;勞政系統需在學生畢業後,提供家庭和個人就業期間更深入的支持。Abstract By using the method of case study, the purpose of this research is to investigate the school-to-work process of two autism students who are deficient in job related skills and explore the employment opportunities and challenges they encountered. This research also discusses how the participants and stakeholders face and deal with the challenges. Study have shown during the transition from school to work of autism students, they are influenced by different factors, including autistic traits, function of family, the attitude of hirer, teacher and a variety of combinations of those factors. Generally speaking, what determining the possibility to be hired is when more positive factors are present than the negative factors. Although most autistic participants are employed after graduation, challenge situations emerged from time to time, including emotional behavior disorder, consideration of safety, and all the factors can cause impact on both the autistic participants, their family members and the employers. This study has found several important factors influencing employment transition of autism students. It is helpful to observe autism students’ employment potential while integrate match-up concepts into practical training while they were in schools. Senior high school teachers can make an effort to improve the performance of participants and transit available resources; however, teachers are no longer able to provide assistance to the students after graduation. Adequate job matchup enhances the participants’ performance and becomes the major determining factor that that they are hired. Parental support is one of the most important factors too. When the parents are able to play the role as employment guardian, their children will adapt well in workplace. The employers often are more interested in the participants’ job skills rather than hire them according to emotional sympathy. Not only the participants’ job skills but also the support and social economic position of the participants’ family have to be taken into account while evaluating their placement in the job market. Employment opportunities larger than limitations are beneficial to participants working continually in job market. In summary, based on the findings of this research, several suggestions are provided to parents, teachers and labor affairs authorities as follows: It is necessary to enhance parental support and help them to be their children’s employment guardian. Teachers need to match up students to job market well by thoroughly understand their students' abilities and job-related skills required in the current market. Labor affairs authorities have to offer employment support system to students and their families.自閉症心智障礙者就業轉銜就業綜合職能科autismintellectual disabilitiesschool-to-work transitionemploymentcomprehensive vocational subject從不可能到可能?兩名綜合職能科自閉症畢業生轉銜至就業歷程From impossibility to possibility? The school-to-work process of two autistic comprehensive vocational subject graduates