蔡慧敏博士Tsai, Huei-Min陳儒瑋Chen, Ju- Wei2019-09-052006-7-212019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692460078%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103655歷史場所解說是環境解說中重要的一環,能夠豐富人們對於不同地區常民生活與歷史情境的想像,並讓過去的生活經驗與參觀者產生關聯並發生意義。隨著文化襲產保存觀念的興起,歷史場所解說一方面增進文化旅遊之吸引力,另一方面經由在地居民參與,協助參觀者瞭解場所的歷史、文化及生活,體驗其存在的意義與文化價值,進而尊重在地文化及產生地方感。 聚落型態的歷史場所因包含居民生活與空間組織,因此解說重視常民生活或稱之為「活」的歷史展示,協助參觀者理解歷史事件、自然環境與人類生活之間相互影響所構成的互動性生活歷史。本研究以歷史場所解說中所應納入的解說內涵、內容及方式,加上參考國內外歷史場所解說經驗,選擇金門島水頭聚落為研究場域,進行歷史場所解說的探討。研究方法為調查研究法,針對「解說內容」、「解說方式」和「解說據點」等面向設計半結構式問卷,以解說工作者及在地居民為研究對象(發放問卷共180份,回收148份,有效問卷為137份),輔以訪談資料,分析目前聚落中各項解說服務是否能呈現歷史文化特色,並探討未來需求。 問卷資料分析結果如下。就解說內容方面:(1)「僑鄉文化」主題獲得較高滿意度及未來需求,「水頭聚落」主題呈現較低滿意度及較高未來需求,而「經營管理」及「社區參與」主題呈現較低理解、滿意度及未來需求。(2)未來應加強「僑匯」、「水頭及僑居地人物、事件、生活形態及民間故事」和「金門與僑居地的社會環境比較」等主題;就解說方式方面:(1)「展示館」較「解說人員」及「自導式步道解說」有較高滿意度。(2)未來以動手操作及生活歷史解說方式為發展需求;就解說據點方面:(1)位於得月樓、酉堂及水頭十八支樑範圍內。(2)對目前解說據點代表性及未來納入其他文化襲產為解說據點的需求有較高同意度。(3)古厝民宿未來應提供體驗活動、解說服務及民俗文物展示空間。(4)閒置空間再利用的型態傾向作為休憩飲食及靜態展示空間。 研究結論呈現水頭聚落解說未來的發展需求,包括(1)以水頭聚落為主題的解說內容、(2)強調體驗及生活歷史的解說方式、(3)納入宗祠宮廟及紀念物為解說據點,以及(4)閒置空間多元利用等面向,並反映出在地參與及永續經營方面還有待提升。研究建議分為水頭聚落解說發展及後續研究兩部分。水頭聚落解說發展未來應加強社區參與,持續「僑鄉文化」與「水頭聚落」的解說內容,將解說動線拉至聚落外圍,採用體驗及生活歷史解說方式。後續研究可針對水頭與其他不同類型聚落、遊客及生活歷史解說方式進行探討。Historic site interpretation plays a crucial part in environmental interpretation. Not only does it embody visitors’ imagination of folk lives in different areas, but it also relates its historical past to the visitors and makes sense to them. With the prevailing idea of preserving culture heritage, historic site interpretation comes to be the attraction of cultural tourism. While the locals participate in the interpretation of a site’s history, culture and life, visitors are brought to appreciate its existential importance and cultural value, and learn to respect local culture and acquire a sense of place. The interpretation of traditional villages include both the residents’ living and spatial constructions, focusing on folk life or “living” historic exhibition, from which visitors can learn the interactive living history formed on historical events, natural environment and human life. With an understanding of the contents and methods and a reference to domestic and foreign experience of historic site interpretations, this research chose Shuitou village in Kinmen Island as the field setting to approach historic site interpretation. The research employed survey research method, designing a semi-structured questionnaire aiming at the contents, methods and sites of the interpretation, surveying both the locals and interpreters (180 questionnaires were allotted, in which 148 were collected, and 137 are valid) and supported with interviews to evaluate whether current interpretation services in the village represent its historical-cultural traits, and also to explore future requirements. The analyses of the collected questionnaires were as follows. In the aspect of interpretation contents, 1) the theme on “hometowns of overseas Chinese” gained higher satisfaction and future requirement, while “Shuitou Village” gained lower satisfaction and higher future requirement, and “management” and “community participation” gained lower understanding, satisfaction and future requirement. 2) The themes on “remittance”, “the personae, events, life styles and folk tales of Shuitou and overseas Chinese’s hometowns” and “the comparison between the social environment of Kinmen and the overseas Chinese’s hometowns” should be improved in the future. In the aspect of interpretation methods, 1) the museum gained more satisfaction than interpreters and self-guide trails; 2) Hand-on and living history interpretation were required in the future. In the aspect of interpretation sites, 1) the range was within Teyueh Tower, Youtang Villa and a group of 18 buildings. 2) The representation of current interpretation sites was agreed, and including other culture heritage for interpretation sites was required. 3) Ancient guest house should provide experimental activities, interpretation services and folk-custom exhibitions in the future. 4) Remodeling the deserted space into restaurants and exhibition rooms was preferred. The research concluded with the future requirements of Shuitou Village, including 1) an interpretation content aiming at Shuitou Village, 2) an interpretation method focusing on experiment and living history, 3) ancestral shrines, temples and monuments added in for interpretation sites, and 4) adaptive reuses of deserted space. Also, the conclusion reflected the need for betterment of community participation and sustainable management. The research gave two suggestions: developing Shuitou Village interpretation and doing sequential researches. The interpretation of Shuitou Village should continue the interpretation themes of “hometowns of overseas Chinese” and “Shuitou Village”, while increasing community participation and expanding the interpretation route outside the village with the methods of experiment and living history. Sequential researches should concentrate on Shuitou and other different types of villages, tourists and methods of living history interpretations.文化襲產歷史場所歷史場所解說地方感水頭聚落culture heritagehistoric sitehistoric site interpretationsense of placeShuitou village歷史場所解說探討-以金門島水頭聚落為例Historic Site Interpretation: A Case of Shuitou Village in Kinmen Island