蔡宗陽Chung - Yang Tsai2014-10-272014-10-272013-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/5584譬喻,又名比喻。轉化,又名比擬。二者易於混淆,同中有異,異中有同,如何辨析?以往國立編譯館,迄今開放出版社自由編選圈中國文,每年皆還有(愛蓮說) ;但有關修辭方面,從國立編譯館至開放出版社自由編遣,一直鴿誤,而未曾修改,以訛傳訛,本文闡析其錯誤,癥結所在?Pi Yu, again parable. Conversion, again compares to. Two be easy to confuse and together win a difference, in the difference have together, how differentiate and analyze? Formerly National Institute for Compilation & Translation, open publisher up to the present the plait freely chose state language in the junior high school, all choose to have every year.譬喻轉化周敦頤〈愛蓮說〉Pi YuConversionTogether Dun Yi譬喻與轉化的辨析從周敦頤〈愛蓮說〉談起Differentiating Pi Yu and Conversion: Starting from an Analysis of Zhou Dun Yi