潘裕豐李芳真2019-08-282007-08-012019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093902012%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88839本研究首先探討學校創新經營的意義與內涵,其次,以學校創新經營為主題,進行現況與困難的調查研究,並從中分析目前國民小學學校創新經營的現況與問題。 同時,本研究欲建立學校創新經營的模式與歸納得獎學校的成功因素,因此,進一步以「Inno-school全國學校創新經營獎」五所績優學校為訪談對象,檢核得獎學校創新經營的歷程,發展學校創新經營模式。 本研究透過文獻探討、問卷調查與個案研究方式,進行資料的分析與討論,獲致下列主要結論: 一、 學校創新經營的現況 (一) 學校創新經營的現況普遍良好 (二) 目前各校主要著重學生活動創新與校園美感規劃 (三) 校園創新文化的形塑是各校應加強的重點 二、學校創新經營的阻力 根據問卷調查的結果,就整體而言,學校創新經營 普遍的阻力為:學校教育經費不足與教師教學工作繁重 無力負荷、心態保守等慣性思維等。 三、學校創新經營的模式 本研究依據文獻探討與訪談的結果,初構國民小學 學校創新經營的模式,該模式包含:學校背景分析、形塑 學校遠景、建構核心團隊、計畫執行策略與後續成效評 估等五階段。 四、學校創新經營的成功因素 研究者歸納得獎學校在創新經營上成功的共通性與重 要因素,包含:校長的創意領導、團隊創意與激勵、資源 有效的整合、環境的妥善規劃、引進專業的指導、突破阻 力與困境、積極的行銷策略。 以上,本研究依據研究目的與研究結論,所提出學校創新經營的建議事項,供教育行政機關和國民小學與校長對於學校創新經營的推動,以及欲從事進一步研究之研究者參考。The main purpose of this study is to explore the meaning of school innovation management, understand and analyze the current situation of innovative management in primary schools and discuss the results. In addition, several excellent schools that winning the competition of innovative school management nationwide in Taiwan took part in the study. After interviewing, the model of progress will set up and successful factors be concluded. The instruments of the study included literature review, survey, and case study. After the reseacher of data collection, analysis, and discussion, the results of the study are presented as follows. A) The current situation of innovation management in primary schools. a) Generally speaking, the implementation condition of innovative management in primary school is good. b) Presently, it centre on activities and campus original in primary school. c) School faculty’s strengthen to represent a creative atmosphere in primary school. B) Some differentive factors of innovative management in primary schools. a) Financial insufficiency. b) Member’s low participating will form taxing job. c) Member’s keep conservative mind. C) The model of the innovative school management The contents of the school management innovative model were illustrated as follows. Firstly, analyze the school background. Secondly, mold a distant view. Thirdly, establish main team. Fourthly, enforce on proposal .Finally, estimate achievements. D) The successful factors of the school management innovation The contents of successful factors of the school management innovation was including: creative piloting by principal co-operational team;reorganize and consolidate resources;plan the whole circumstance;professional guidance;pierce through difficult positions;effect sales. Finally, based on the research findings, some suggestions and implications are provided to the educational administrative authorities, the principals in primary school, and those who are interested in conducting relevant on the topic in Taiwan.學校創新經營國民小學創新經營之研究