張珍瑋陳玉水Tran Ngoc Thuy2020-10-192025-09-012020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060603015E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110423自2016年起,東南亞新住民在台灣社會被賦予的形象與任務有極大的轉變,其中最具代表性的即為2016年政府所推出的「新南向政策」,本研究的目的在欲透過整理過去新住民在媒體上的形象,釐清臺灣新住民過去負面形象的社會脈絡,並自本研究選取五位東南亞新住民女性的訪談中描繪出如何認識臺灣東南亞新住民真實形象的建議。本研究之主要研究結論包括: 一、臺灣東南亞新住民社會形象的內涵:片面與負面呈現的社會媒體形象;沒有與時俱進的教育形象;充滿歧視與苛刻條件的法政制度形象;新住民漸進轉化的新形象。 二、臺灣東南亞新住民對其社會形象的解讀:新住民對於21國面談雙重標準感到不合理,且不滿定義模糊不清的國籍法,使其「終身」活在無國籍的恐懼;新住民對於政治人物的不當評論感到失望;新住民更期待能出現具代表性的新住民立委;新住民對於108新課綱中對於國小必選東南亞語言給予正面評價;理應支持新住民的發展基金會補助的對象卻常非新住民。 三、臺灣東南亞新住民重繪自我形象的獨特故事:在本研究中所舉的五位東南亞新住民女性的故事,可看出其自身奮鬥並描繪出自我形象的獨特故事。 四、臺灣東南亞新住民現階段仍在繼續被「肯認」的過程:近年臺灣東南亞新住民的處境,雖因政府政策而有些改善,但本研究仍指出應在結構面(在政府與國家政策方面、學校教育過程中、教科書的書寫、社會媒體的呈現)與主體面(新住民應如何面對臺灣人對自身母國的刻板印象,及其自身應如何看待自己族群等部分)提出相關建議。Since 2016, the social image of immigrants from Southeast Asia in Taiwan and what people expect from them have changed. The most symbolic one is reflected in the New Southbound Policy launched by Taiwan’s government in 2016. This research, through interviews with five immigrant females from Southeast Asia, looks into the medial portrayals of Southeast Asian immigrants in Taiwan to clear up their negative social images in the past. By doing so, it is hoped that there can be suggestions on how to learn about the social misunderstanding and discrimination Southeast Asian immigrants face. The conclusion of this thesis includes: 1. The meaning of the social image of Southeast Asian immigrants, which includes partial and negative media portrayals, outdated stereotype in educational materials in Taiwan, discrimination amid the harsh immigration policies and government regulations, and transformation of such images over time. 2. How Southeast Asian immigrants see the social image of themselves: Southeast Asian immigrants disapprove the spouse-interview mechanism for immigrants from twenty-one specified Southeast Asia countries, and the Nationality Law that is biased and written in indefinite language, leaving immigrants living without their own nationality. They also feel disappointed with the discriminatory speeches from some politicians and hope there can be legislators who can represent and support Southeast Asian immigrants. They appreciate that Southeast Asian languages are required in the 2019 Curriculum Updates in elementary school. However, sometimes it's still a problem that the New Immigrant Development Fund is granted to Southeast Asian immigrants. 3. The inspiring life stories told by Southeast Asian immigrants: We see whole new images and inspiring life stories through interviewing the five Southeast Asian immigrants in this study. 4. The un-completed Recognition to Southeast Asian immigrants in Taiwan: The situation of Southeast Asian immigrants has indeed progressed in recent years due to government policies, yet there needs to be more suggestions for improvements in immigrants’ situation regarding the structural and subjective aspects. The structural changes focus on the government policies, education, teaching materials, and social media, while the subjective aspect centers on how Southeast Asian immigrants face stereotypes about their home country in Taiwan and how Southeast Asian immigrants see themselves?東南亞新住民社會形象自我形象Southeast Asianimmigrantsocial imageself-image臺灣東南亞新住民社會形象的轉變及其教育意涵-從他人的觀看到自我的建構The transformation of Southeast Asian new residents’ social images and educational implications in Taiwan: From others’ perceptions to their own constructions