Hsiao-Wen Hsu2014-10-272014-10-272013-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12588在英語仍是國際最主要溝通語言的情況下,英語教學始終擁有不可替代的重要性。臺灣當然無法自外於這股世界潮流,多數學童早在國小英語教育前便已經在幼稚園或是補習班開始了英語的學習,造成了國小學童英語程度的嚴重差異化,此一問題也成為國小英語教師在教學上面臨的艱鉅挑戰。本文調查並比較國小三年級英語教師的混合程度班級教學信念與教學策略,旨在增進對此議題之理解。十位來自不同國小的英語教師參與此研究。研究結果顯示,三年級英語教師的確了解學童英語能力差異的現況,雖然教師們肯定學童先前學習經驗的優勢,但在實際教學上,教學策略多半應用於初學者身上,學童的英語學習經驗似乎並未被善用於課堂教學之中。本文最後提出教學建議及未來研究方向。English instruction in many EFL settings is provided by both the public schools and the private sector. In Taiwan, many children start learning English in kindergarten or language schools before attending English class in public schools. However, this can be an additional factor in the creation of multilevel classes in state schools. Dealing with multilevel classes is one of the major challenges for current TEYL (Teaching English to Young Learners) teachers in Taiwan, especially in public primary schools. This study aims to shed light on TEYL teachers’ beliefs and practices concerning primary school children’s English learning and instruction, particularly in cases where the pupils have a wild range of proficiency levels. Ten primary school English teachers were interviewed for this study. The results confirmed that the TEYL teachers are actually dealing with mixed ability pupils in the first year of English instruction in public schools. Though these teachers viewed children’s prior learning experiences as beneficial, they did not mention taking children’s prior knowledge of English into account when preparing or delivering their lessons. Pedagogical implications and suggestions are also provided.混合程度班級教學策略有經驗的學習者multilevel classesteaching strategiesexperienced learner國小英語教師對於混合程度班級教學策略之研究:以國小三年級為例Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Multilevel Classes in Primary School EFL Settings