吳宥鋅Wu, Yeou-Xin湯敏TANG, MIN2023-12-082022-07-142023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c3e046a35974e1dc4cb7aeb24d24bb18/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118819本文為創作論述,藉由作品梳理、釐清創作脈絡,建構完整的創作論述。現今的社會結構下,現代人普遍容易感到焦慮、寂寞、失落等內心的不滿足及缺失。筆者關注現代人「青年危機」的議題,以社會新鮮人的身分及角度,透過對城市生活的體驗與觀察,用創作記錄與訴說此種心理狀態。筆者的創作以傳統水墨人物畫為基礎,加入漫畫敘事及人物擬獸化等表現手法,以期形塑個人創作風格。第一章闡述本創作研究之動機、目的與研究方法;第二章以社會學理論對於當代社會疏離、孤獨等現象的解析作為論述的主要架構,說明近代各國普遍出現青年危機的現象及背景;第三章透過創作相關主題的藝術家作品分析,尋找個人創作定位,並解析創作理念與風格轉變,歸納創作方法及特色;第四章解析系列及個別作品;第五章為結論,完成系列作品,希望藉由作品反映筆者觀察現今城市生活,感受到的疏離、迷茫現象。This research represents the author’s discourse on her creations in the Master training period. Because of social structure, people are generally prone to feel anxiety, loneliness, and loss. The author pays attention to the issue of the" quarter-life crisis ", and describes the emotions of having a quarter-life crisis through painting. The author's creation is based on traditional ink painting and adds comic narrative and character animalism to shape her painting style. In Chapter One, the author elaborates on the motivation, purpose, and methods of this article. The second chapter takes the analysis of alienation and loneliness in sociological theory and explains the phenomenon and background of the widespread quarter-life crisis. In Chapter Three, the author compares artists' works on similar themes by categorizing different creation modes and finds the positioning of individual creation. Then, the author analyzes the transformation of individual painting styles and summarizes the methods and characteristics of painting. In the fourth chapter, the author explains her creation. Finally, the author completed a series of works, hoping to reflect the alienation and confusion that she feel in the city.疏離感孤獨青年危機人物畫alienationlonelinessquarter-life crisisfigure painting群體中的個人—湯敏水墨創作論述與實踐Individuals in the groups— Creative Theories and Practics of Tang Min's artworksetd