蔡如音Tsai, Eva賴珮瑜Lai, Pei-Yu2024-12-172023-12-142024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b1aae5e982ac84193a84cca52d8e8d20/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122120社群媒體蓬勃發展下,Facebook成為影評人或創作者拓展影評論述之新場域。本研究聚焦於自行產製與評論電影文本之內容的影評粉絲專頁(以下簡稱影評粉專),試圖瞭解影評大眾化的過程中所產生的價值。因此,本研究以內容創作者的產製者視角切入,分析影評粉專的產製邏輯,以及與大眾溝通的互動機制之使用,揭示影評粉專所體現的文化意義。本研究以「媒體文本的創作」將影評粉專分為UGC邏輯的影評粉專(以下簡稱UGC粉專)、PGC邏輯的影評粉專(以下簡稱PGC粉專)、導流類三類,並採用網路民族誌與深度訪談法兩種途徑進行研究,藉影評粉專的觀察,以及創作者與社群編輯的對話,瞭解影評粉專的產製邏輯。研究發現,基於興趣隨筆紀錄的UGC粉專,內容產製以創作者興致為主;PGC粉專因商業需求,具標準化生產之趨勢,並透過知名度的累積試圖建立專業影評人形象;導流類則透過粉專導引使用者至媒體網站,採媒體組織的專業化分工,聘用社群編輯管理粉專。此外,平台互動機制也被作為商業化與經營手段之一,除粉專有意識營造仿好友氛圍,更透過社團的成立與參與,試圖將社員拉攏為粉專的忠實擁護者,或作為宣傳用途。有別於其他文化類型粉專,影評粉專更能與產業端相互連結,並與使用者三者形成循環的正向關係,同時又促進電影消費文化。本研究企圖探討影評粉專發展趨勢,檢視其象徵的文化意義,並助於未來影評粉專創作者/社群編輯的經營。With the flourishing development of social media, Facebook has become a new platform for film critics or creators to write film reviews. This study focuses on film review fan pages, which create and discuss film texts from a personal perspective. The aim is to understand the value generated in the process of popularizing film reviews and the cultural significance embodied by film review fan pages.This study categorizes film review fan pages into three types based on the"creation of media texts": UGC-oriented film review fan pages , PGC-oriented film review fan pages, and traffic diversion fan pages. It adopts the methods of cyber-ethnography and in-depth interviews to conduct research. By observing film review fan pages and conducting conversations with creators and social media managers, the production logic of film review fan pages will be examined. The research finds that UGC fan pages, which are based on personal interest records, focus on the creative expression of the creators. On the other hand, PGC fan pages tend to have a standardized production approach due to commercial demands. They aim to establish a professional film critic image through the accumulation of popularity. The traffic diversion fan pages directs users to a specific media website and adopts specialized division of labor within media organizations, employing social media managers to manage the fan pages. Furthermore, the interaction mechanism with users is also seen as a commercialization and management strategy. In addition to creating a friendly atmosphere to engage with users, this research also identifies the establishment and participation in Facebook groups as a means for film review fan pages to attract loyal users or promote their own fan pages to increase visibility.Different from other cultural fan pages, film review fan pages have the capability to establish a mutually beneficial connection with the industry side, forming a cyclic and positive relationship among the industry, the fan page, and the users. Meanwhile, film review fan pages also serve to promote film consumption culture.This study aims to explore the development trends of film review fan pages, examine their cultural significance, and provide insights for future creators/social media managers in managing film review fan pages.內容創作者社群編輯粉絲專頁影評粉絲專頁社群媒體content creatorssocial media managersfan pagesfilm review fan pagessocial media社群時代的內容創作者與社群編輯:影評粉絲專頁的經營與溝通Content Creators and Social Media Managers in the Social Media Era : Management and Communication of Film Review Facebook Fan Pages學術論文