簡瑛瑛Chien, Ying-Ying郭育蓉Kuo, Yu-Jung2019-08-282018-06-212019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060285009I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85307我的少女時代》於2015年夏天上映,全台票房快速衝破四億台幣,隨後在其他亞洲國家上映也相當受到好評,在中國也有超過三億人民幣的佳績,這股臺灣校園純愛風潮席捲華人地區。 臺灣近年流行的校園愛情電影除了受到本國人歡迎,明確的電影風格也在亞洲區受到注意。2000年後出產的臺灣校園電影中,經常受到討論的作品有《藍色大門》、《六號出口》、《九降風》以及《盛夏光年》;在票房和口碑都有傑出表現的則是2011年的作品《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》與2015年上映的《我的少女時代》。校園純愛風成了臺灣近年流行電影的招牌。 本文希望藉著這股引起觀眾共鳴的純愛熱潮,聚焦討論2000年以來廣受注目的臺灣校園愛情電影,從性別研究及女性主義電影理論角度分析此類電影中少女形象於不同時期呈現的風貌及轉變,並與同時期的美國校園愛情電影進行角色及文化比較,探討不同文化背景所呈現的校園少女形象的異同,並進一步討論電影中所呈現與女性相關的臺灣社會文化。 論文之第二階段將運用前一階段分析研究結果,以電影《我的少女時代》為教學媒介,透過與臺灣和美國同樣類型作品中的少女形象做對比分析,建立臺灣電影中的少女形象特色,並擷取電影中所蘊含與女性相關之文化內涵做為對外華語教學的課程素材,進行跨文化教學設計。本研究期許以電影華語教學中的文化教學為出發點,聚焦於長期被邊緣化的少女角色,以跨文化教學為手段,透過文化討論等合作學習過程增進學習者之跨文化溝通能力,使各國華語學習者對臺灣的社會文化及年輕女性的定位能有較深層的了解。The Taiwanese campus/teen romance film Our Times, released in the summer of 2015, grossed 400 million New Taiwan dollars within two months. This film received mostly positive critical reception in Asian countries and was also a high-grossing film in China with a total box office of 300 million RMB. Subsequently, Taiwanese campus/teen romance swept through Chinese communities in 2015. Taiwanese campus romance is not only popular among Taiwanese but has also gained fans throughout Asia since 2000. Prominent Taiwanese films in this genre include Blue Gate Crossing, Exit No. 6, Winds of September, and Eternal Summer. The two films with most success in both box office and reputation are You're The Apple Of My Eye (2011) and Our Times (2015). The Taiwanese film industry now has a well-established business model based on this type of pure romance. This research hopes to take advantage of the popularity of the Taiwanese campus romance genre by focusing on films with the strongest reputations. The young female images in these films will be analyzed from the viewpoints of gender study and feminism to note changes and differences from earlier works in Taiwan. This study will also compare them with recent American films of the same genre to evaluate similarities and differences between the two cultures. This paper will then discuss how these films portray femininity in Taiwanese culture. After the analysis, the research will use Our Time as the main teaching topic to establish new concepts of young female images in modern Taiwan while comparing this film with other Taiwanese and American films discussed in the first half of the research. The female-related social constructs found in Our Time will be the basis of the course design for cross-cultural teaching. With the introduction of Chinese culture as the foundation of the course, and cross-cultural teaching as the main method, Chinese learners from countries all over the world will improve their cross-cultural communication skills and gain a better understanding of Taiwanese culture and Taiwanese young women’s social status through cultural discussions, interaction, and cooperation with the teacher and classmates.臺灣校園愛情電影青少女形象性別研究跨文化教學我的少女時代Taiwanese campus romanceyoung female imagescross-cultural teachinggender studyOur Times臺灣電影中的少女形象-校園愛情電影與跨文化教學Images of Young Females in Taiwanese Films:Campus Romance and Cross-Cultural Teaching