曾俊傑Tseng, Jun-Jie李盈萱Lee, Ying-Hsuan2020-10-192022-02-182020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060521070L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110964近年因科技與網路發展迅速,使資訊更為圖像化及影音化,以多種形態溝通與表達儼然成為新的趨勢,而多模態教學亦是英語教學研究中關注的一環。本研究運用其中一個多模態的工具─視覺資訊圖於英語教學中,採質性研究方法與量化研究的問卷,以探討視覺資訊圖(Infographics)對於英語學習者深度討論(Quality Talk)之表現的成效,以及學生對於視覺資訊圖運用於小組討論中的看法。本研究對象為三十三位大一英文的學生,上學期接受深度討論教學法的訓練,包含提問與討論技巧,下學期則帶入視覺資訊圖於小組討論中以探討其對學生口語表達及討論的幫助。 本研究結果顯示,(一)視覺資訊圖對深度討論有正向的影響,回答問題方面,它能幫助學生在陳述個人論點,回應或挑戰同學的想法時更順利且更具有邏輯。提問方面,它協助學生在提追問型問題時有些微進步,其中連結型與感受型問題能夠引起學生好奇心並進一步的追問,(二)學生對視覺資訊圖運用於深度討論有正向的看法,依據訪談內容歸納出三項視覺資訊圖的功能,包含提醒、激發互動、提升正向情感的功能。 根據研究發現,本研究鼓勵教師運用視覺資訊圖或其他多模態的資源於英語教學中,以促進學生理解與口語表達能力,同時,減輕口說的焦慮並提升自信心。With rapid development of internet and technology, communication nowadays has become multimodal. Thus, there has been a growing interest of multimodality in the EFL field. This study aimed to investigate the effects of infographics, one of the multimodal tools, on students’ Quality Talk (QT) performances and students’ perceptions towards using infographics in QT by using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Thirty three students in a Freshman English class participated in the study. In the first semester, they received QT training including how to ask questions and conduct group discussions. In the second semester, infographics was incorporated into QT. The results showed that (1) infographics had positive effects on students’ Quality Talk performances. Students performed better when giving elaborated explanations, responding and challenging others’ ideas, and asking follow-up questions. (2) Students’ perceptions towards using infographics in QT were positive because they thought infographics could help prompt ideas, promote interactions and enhance positive affective states in QT. Based on the findings, this study encouraged teachers to utilize infographics or other multimodal resources in class to help students convey ideas more critically. It could also help ease students’ anxiety and increase their confidence in speaking English.多模態教學多模態建構視覺資訊圖深度討論multimodalitymultimodal composinginfographicsQuality Talk視覺資訊圖於大一英文學生之深度討論的運用Using Infographics to Enhance Quality Talk in a Freshman English Class