蕭惠貞梁安琪LEONG, ON-KEI2020-10-192021-10-242020-10-192019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060484023I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109944慣用語為二語學習的一大難題,於傳統教學觀點下,教師多將其視為整體教學,學習者則是以「死記硬背」方式學習。近年研究指出慣用語可透過特定方式激活及連結,藉此提升隱喻意識以加強學習成效(Boers, 2000; Boers et al., 2007等),成果具前瞻性。奠基於此,本研究以12個「眼睛」、「頭/腦」、「臉/面」相關之三字華語慣用語為內容,並結合認知語言學觀點,以「轉、隱喻意涵延伸圖」及「圖像」為工具輔助學習。其中,轉、隱喻意涵延伸圖展示上述身體部位背後所含之比喻義,促進目標詞義之理解;圖像則是呈現慣用語字面構成成分,協助詞語形式之掌握。我們透過前測、即時後測及一週後的延時後測等紙筆測驗,試圖以實證方式檢視上述工具對華語慣用語學習及記憶存留有何影響。本研究可用樣本共40人,分為控制組、圖像組、隱喻組及綜合組各十人,初步發現(1)接受意涵延伸圖教導之隱喻組及綜合組,於目標詞語之意義學習及記憶較具優勢;(2)四組於詞語形式之學習表現相約,接受圖像以助形式學習之控制組及圖像組未見突出表現;(3)新詞學習方面,隱喻組及綜合組對於未教授之慣用語(「沒眼睛、換頭腦、拉下臉」),具較強意義拓展能力,故其意義學習及記憶表現顯著較佳;(4)若按主要教學方式將四組分為「詞語釋義組」及「意涵延伸圖組」,並比較其學習表現,則發現前者之詞義理解及記憶存留表現皆明顯優於後者。換言之,意涵延伸圖組以延伸圖為輔助工具,有利其提升認知意識並鞏固意義掌握及記憶程度。綜上所述,本研究認為以轉、隱喻意涵延伸圖為教學工具,實能從認知層面提升學習者意識,使之更能掌握慣用語背後之比喻義並強化意義理解,具有明顯即時學習效果且利於記憶存留,對華語慣用語意義學習存在正面效益。Idioms are considered to be difficult for L2 learners. In traditional teaching method, id-ioms are arbitrary so that learners have to learn by rote. However, experimental evidence suggests that figurative L2 idioms learning can be promoted by raising learners’ metaphor awareness (Boers, 2000; Boers et al., 2007 etc.). Based on these studies, 12 three-words idi-oms related to the MIND AS BODY metaphor are chosen (eyes, head/ brain, face) as target words. In order to enhance meaning learning, a “metonymy and metaphor meanings exten-sion map” was used to show the connection between the “Source Domain” (BODY) and “Target Domain” (MIND) of the body parts mentioned above. We also try to facilitate learn-ing by pictures which present lexical structure of the idioms. This study aims to investigate the effect on idioms learning and retention by using these two mnemonic devices. 40 CSL learners participated in our study and were divided into four groups: control group, pictures group, metaphor group and all-in-one group. The results showed that: (1) The metaphor and all-in-one groups who learn idioms through “meanings extension map”, performed signifi-cantly better than other two groups in the overall meaning task (VKS and cloze test) of the delayed posttest. (2) There is no significant difference between four groups in the form task. (3) After learning the “meanings extension map”, the metaphor and all-in-one groups are able to transfer the cognitive awareness from the map to the meaning of three unexposed idioms (“méiyǎnjīng”, “huàntóunǎo”, “lāxiàliǎn”). (4) If the participants are divided into “meaning giving group” and “meaning extention map group”, we found that the latter pre-formed significantly better in the overall meaning task of the posttest and delayed posttest. Overall, the results above indicated that increasing metaphor awareness is effective facilita-tion for Chinese idioms meaning learning and retention.轉喻及隱喻意識身體隱喻圖像華語慣用語學習二語詞彙學習Metonymy & metaphor awarenessBody metaphorImageryChinese idioms learningSecond language vocabulary learning隱喻及轉喻意識與圖像對華語慣用語學習之影響:以身體隱喻為例Effect of Metaphor and Metonymy Awareness and Pictures on Chinese Idioms Learning: a Case Study of Body Metaphors