徐宗林2014-10-272014-10-271989-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17545馬瑞坦(Jacques Maritain 1882-1964)生於法國;大學前之教育,亦在法國完成。他曾至德國進修研究;之後歸化於美國,為當代美國天主教教育哲學家,亦為教會中鼓吹新多瑪斯哲學思想,並推行人文教育思想之學者。氏對近代教育理論與實施,因受唯物主義、功利主義、實用主義及科學至上論的影響,使教育活動失去了方向性、目的性及意義性,因而導致教育走向盲動的狀態。再由於這些思想結構的影響,以至於人對自己的評析,失去了傳統思想中對人的尊重,從而蒙蔽在物質層面,喪失了對人精神能力的肯定。影響所及,教育活動中,個人地位為之沒落,方法為之失誤、教材為之不當,問題重重,亟待解決。晚近,從教育的失誤,因而引發了當代文明的危機。馬瑞坦也是一位企求透過教育,來扶正人類文明發展上失調的教育思想家。一種培育來日適宜的「人」,以解救人類文化的危機乃是他對教育所作的深切期盼。Science has deeply influenced many aspects of human experience, agricultural, cultural, social as well as educational. By using scientific method man has accumulat-ed tremendous amount of knowledge in the past hundreds of years which benefits human life all over the world. Under such circumstances a few educators even believe that there is only one foundation upon which education should base. It is science. As a protestant, Jacques Maritain (1882-1964), born in France and later in his life becoming an American citizen, gave much critical thinking about the value of scienti-fic method used in educational practice. Besides, as a Christian educator he also offered some keen criticism on materialism and pragmatism in Western education. He urged a humanistic education as an adequate one in modern times.思想馬瑞坦教育馬瑞坦教育思想研究A Study of Jacques Maritain’s Educational Though