楊美雪李玉屏2019-09-042015-7-232019-09-042010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096723123%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99636本研究主要探討銀行業財富管理網站之服務內容,首先採用內容分析法,瞭解銀行業財富管理網站提供之服務內容現況,以及各家銀行財富管理網站服務內容之差異;再透過網路問卷調查法,瞭解使用者對於銀行業財富管理網站服務內容之需求,並進一步比較銀行業財富管理網站提供之服務內容與使用者需求之服務內容有何差異,據此做成結論,針對銀行財富管理網站經營者、使用者、銀行主管機關,及後續研究者提出相關建議。本研究之重要發現如下: 1.在銀行業財富管理網站資訊服務內容以「商品/財經資訊」提供比例最高,「互動與溝通回饋」提供比例最低。 2.在銀行業財富管理網站交易服務內容以「帳務查詢」提供比例最高,「線上交易」提供比例最低。 3.女性使用者對「廣告/促銷/公關」資訊之需求程度高於男性使用者。 4.男性使用者對「帳務查詢」資訊之需求程度高於女性使用者。 5.大學(專科)教育程度之使用者對「安全機制」之需求程度顯著高於高中職教育程度之使用者。 6.無線上交易金融商品經驗之使用者對「廣告/促銷/公關」資訊之需求程度高於有線上交易金融商品經驗之使用者 。 7.有線上交易金融商品經驗之使用者對「帳務查詢」資訊之需求程度高於無線上交易金融商品經驗之使用者。The purpose of this study is to evaluate the content of wealth management websites of banking. By using content analysis to understand the contents of wealth management website services and the differences among banks. On the other hand, a questionnaire survey will be conducted to understand the needs of users for online wealth management services. According to the results of this study, it will provide applicable suggestions for websites masters and managers、users and future researchers on the services for wealth management websites of banking. The research results are as following: 1.“Products and financial information services” is the most emphatic information item of the wealth management websites service of banking, and ”interactive and communicate services” is the lowest. 2.“Accounts and holdings” is the most emphatic information item of the wealth management websites service of banking, and ”online trading” is the lowest. 3.The demand of female is higher than male on the wealth management websites services of “advertising and promotion”. 4.The demand of male is higher than female on the wealth management websites services of “accounts and holdings”. 5.The demand of users with junior college or college degree is higher than the users with high school degree of “Security”. 6.The demand of the users without online financial experience is higher than the users with online financial experience on the wealth management websites services of “advertising and promotion”. 7.The demand of the users with online financial experience is higher than the users without online financial experience on the wealth management websites services of “accounts and holdings”.財富管理網站線上財富管理網站內容wealth management websiteonline wealth managementwebsite content銀行業財富管理網站服務內容之研究A Study on the Services for Wealth Management Websites of Banking