蔡今中Tsai, Chin-Chung陳威守Chen, Wei-Shou2024-12-172027-06-162024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/4ae01c9fee463f6a7a1e3d3818eef4a0/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122660本研究延續Archer等人(2015)先前研究[Archer et al., (2015) Journal of Research in Science Teaching 52, 922-948] 提出之科學資本概念,將科學學習的場域轉移到線上情境,並提出「線上科學資本(online science capital)」概念。本研究開發了適合國中生使用的科學資本量表(online science capital scale)來了解國中生在進行線上科學學習時可能擁有的資源。此量表包含了線上科學相關的文化資本(science-related online cultural capital)、線上科學相關的行為資本(science-related online behavioral capital)、線上科學相關的經濟資本(science-related online economic capital)、還有線上科學相關的社交資本(science-related online social capital)。本研究同時也調查了學生的性別、年級、和科學志向(science aspiration)。315位台灣國中生參與了本次研究。結果顯示線上科學資本量表有良好的信度與效度。透過t檢定和ANOVA,我們發現不同性別和年級的學生擁有不同程度的線上科學資本。此外,透過階層迴歸分析,我們也發現了線上科學資本中的不同構念會直接或間接的預測學生的科學志向。本研究結果確認了科學資本量表的可用性,也強調了線上科學資本對中學生線上科學學習的重要性。This study built on the concept of science capital proposed by Archer et al. (2015) [Archer et al., (2015) Journal of Research in Science Teaching 52, 922-948] by shifting the focus of science learning to an online context and introducing the concept of"online science capital." The research developed an online science capital scale suitable for junior high school students to assess the resources they might possess during online science learning. This scale included science-related online cultural capital, science-related online behavioral capital, science-related online economic capital, and science-related online social capital. The study also examined students' gender, grade level, and science aspirations. A total of 315 Taiwanese junior high school students participated in this research. The results showed that the online science capital scale had good reliability and validity. Through t-tests and ANOVA, we found that students of different genders and grade levels possessed varying degrees of online science capital. Additionally, hierarchical regression analysis revealed that different constructs of online science capital directly or indirectly predicted students' science aspirations. The findings of this study confirmed the usability of the science capital scale and highlighted the importance of online science capital in middle school students' online science learning.科學資本線上科學資本科學志向量表開發Science capitalOnline science capitalScience aspirationScale development探討國中生線上科學資本:問卷工具發展Developing an instrument to explore junior high school students' online science capital學術論文