廖信馬立懿潘怡臻Shin Liao, Li-Yi Ma, Yi-Chen Pan2016-04-282016-04-282015-08-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77926隨著數位閱讀的風氣盛行,電子書的製作技術日新月益,國內多所技職校院設計類科也開始增設許多數位出版相關課程,因此本研究透過探討技職校院設計相關類科電子書製作課程教學現況、學生學習電子書製作時最常發生之問題及原因,以做為電子書製作人才能力訓練之參考。研究首先採用文獻探討方式,瞭解相關科系之教學現況,再透過AHP 層級結構問卷發送予12 位資深從業人員,調查電子書製作時最常發生之問題,其中以「互動設定」之錯誤發生率最高,第二為「色彩標示」,第三為「圖像設定」。最後邀請7 位產業及學界專家利用訪談之方式,輔以「電子書製作最常發生錯誤之原因問卷」填答,分析歸納後共計有14項最常發生錯誤之原因,12 項較常發生錯誤之原因,其中又以「互動設定」問題中「設定媒體播放控制器」為最經常發生錯誤之原因。Situated in this age of knowledge economy, challenges from globalization and advancement of technology have structurally altered talent cultivation. Many universities and colleges have increased courses related to digital publication. Therefore, it is an urgent demand to strategically and systematically cultivate professionals for the digital content industry. The research conducted the literature review and AHP questionnaire to find out the reasons of the mistakes which often happened on students when producing eBooks. The result shows that "interactive features setting" is the mistake that happened mostly, next is "color management," then "graphic setting.” The research also used expert interview to investigate the reasons that caused the mistakes. The reasons can be categorized into 14 most happened factors and 12 oftenhappened factors. Among these factors, "setting the media player" is the error that occurred most frequently.數位出版電子書製作層級分析法Digital PublishingeBook ProducingAnalytic Hierarchy Process設計類科學生製作電子書常見問題及其發生原因之探討A Study of Analyzing the Problems and Causes in Producing eBooks for Design Department Students