趙惠玲Huei-Ling Chao李芝瑩Chih-Ying Lee2020-12-102009-2-202020-12-102009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695600057%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115313創意市集在台灣掀起一陣風潮,不但為人們帶來全新的藝文體驗,也將藝術和生活之間的距離拉近,更給了創作者追求夢想的理由與機會。為了更深入了解台灣創意市集的發展脈絡,本研究聚焦於發起活動的主辦單位,選取四個相異性質、背景的專業團隊進行研究,除了分析他們的個別特色之外,也透過主辦單位的經驗分享,從中尋找形塑活動創意氛圍的要素;同時,也欲透過主辦單位的觀點,為發展陷入瓶頸的台灣創意市集生態尋求新的可能。 為達成研究目的,本研究選擇四個背景各異的創意市集主辦單位進行研究,分別為:屬於小眾團體的「CAMPO生活藝術狂歡節」團隊、集結各方資源組成非營利組織,目前策劃「西門紅樓創意市集」的台灣藝術市集協會、強調與社區結合,負責策劃「牯嶺街書香創意市集」的國立台北教育大學南海藝廊以及舉辦「一卡皮箱SHOW自己—敦南誠品創意市集」的誠品企業。藉由訪談、觀察和文件資料收集的方式,了解不同主辦單位的辦理特色、經營創意市集的相關實務,並探討主辦單位與政府等其他相關單位合作辦理活動之經驗與看法。在經過近一年的研究歷程後,本研究獲得以下主要研究結果: 一、不同類型之創意市集主辦單位有其不同的發展脈絡與辦理動機。 二、不同類型之創意市集有其相異的活動氛圍。 三、不同類型之創意市集主辦單位有其各自的活動策劃關鍵。 四、不同類型之創意市集主辦單位的團隊精神有其同質性。 五、不同類型之創意市集未來受大環境侷限影響而有發展之限制。 最後根據研究結論,本研究針對創意市集主辦單位、創意工作者、政府相關單位與後續研究分別提出具體建議,並分享研究省思,作為檢視與思考的面向。The fashion market has become popular in Taiwan these years. Not only bring people whole new experiences in arts, the fashion market also make arts as part of their daily life. What’s more, it gives the artists chances and reasons to pursue their dreams. In order to know the social contexts of the fashion market in Taiwan, this research focuses on the organizers who hold the fairs. Four different types of the professional teams are selected as research subjects. Campo Living Art Festival, which is composed of a small group voluntarily. The Art and Lifestyle Association of Taiwan, which is a non-profit organization and they hold the Red House Market for Artists and Designers presently. Nanhai Gallery of NTNU, programming the Guling Street Craft and Book Fair, which highlights the network of their community. And the Eslite Bookstore, which held fashion markets as a enterprise. To achieve the research objective, three types of approaches—interview, observation and document analysis—help knowing their distinguishing characteristic, practical experiences, including the experiences in cooperating with the Government and other related organizations, and to analyze the various factors in shaping the creative milieu. Also, the research is probing into the cause of the difficulties in the evolvement to help figuring out the possibilities in the future. Through the research for nearly one year, five major conclusions are obtained as follows. First of all, each of the four fashion market organizers has its own history and motive at the beginning. Secondly, there are different atmosphere in their activities. Thirdly, each team has the key approaches to program the fair. However, similar characters can be found in the four different organizers. Lastly, the fashion market has some restriction in the future because of the social environment. Finally, according to the research conclusions, suggestions are proposed for the fashion market organizers, creative communities, the Government and future researches. It also share the personal reflection on the research to provide another dimension for the readers.創意氛圍創意市集非營利組織視覺文化藝術教育creative milieufashion marketnon-profit organizationvisual culture art台灣創意市集主辦單位創意氛圍形塑之研究—以四個創意市集主辦單位為例In Shaping the Creative Milieu: A Multiple-Case Study of Fashion Market Organizers in Taiwan