余鑑Dr. Yu, Chien林惠敏Lin, Hui-Ming2019-09-032006-8-142019-09-032006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693710200%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96709本研究旨在探討企業實施教育訓練委外之考量因素。採行質化之多重個案研究法進行研究,以訪談法收集資料,共訪談六家個案公司,將訪談內容整理為逐字稿,並進行分析與討論,歸納之研究結果如下: 一、企業實施教育訓練委外之目的可分為六種,分別是成本效益、運用顧問公司資源、學習顧問公司專業能力、學習外部知識轉化為內部所需、借重外部權威以提昇員工素質、尋求未來合作機會。 二、企業教育訓練委外之課程,可分為管理類、專業類、一般類課程。 三、企業教育訓練流程之委外,可分為五個步驟,分別是分析、設計、發展、執行、評鑑。 四、企業實施教育訓練委外之考量因素可分為四個面向,分別是顧問公司、企業經營、訓練資源、企業背景之考量。遴選顧問公司所考量之因素包括形象、專業、講師、服務、夥伴關係、溝通、成本;企業經營考量因素包括策略、主管是否支持、企業文化、訓練效益;訓練資源考量包括內部資源是否充足、訓練人員是否可負擔、時間效益及課程內容;企業背景考量有產業、企業規模、成立年數。 五、企業在實施教育訓練委外時,所遭遇之困難,包括講師授課方面問題、顧問公司溝通方面問題,以及對訓練單位之影響。The purpose of this study was to find out the considerations when the enterprises use the outsourcing on training. By using the method of Multiple Case Studies, the researcher interviewed with the HR staffs of six case enterprises and recorded the interviewing process. After analyzing the records of interview, some conclusions were generalized as follows: 1. The purposes of using the training outsourcing are six: the cost benefit, using the resources of consulting companies, learning the specialty of consulting companies, learning the external knowledge and making necessary transform action, upgrading the quality of employees by external authority and the future opportunity to cooperate with other enterprises. 2. The course types of training outsourcing include management, specialty and general. 3. The process of training outsourcing is to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate. 4. There are four dimensions of the considerations when the enterprises apply the training outsourcing: consulting companies, the operation of enterprises, training resources and company’s background. The considerations for selecting a consulting company include the company’s image, specialty, instructors, services, partnership, communication, and the cost. The considerations of the company’s operation include the strategy, whether the boss support or not, the organization culture and the effectiveness of training. The considerations of training resources include the sufficiency of inner resource, the training staffs’ work load and time. The considerations of company’s background includes business type, the company size, and how long does it established. 5. The barriers for implementation of training outsourcing are: instructor’s teaching, the communication between the organization and consulting companies, and the influences on training department units of the enterprise.委外教育訓練委外考量因素outsourcingtraining outsourcingconsiderations企業實施教育訓練委外考量因素之研究A Study on the Consideration of The enterprises use the Training Outsourcing