何佩憶黃雅文2014-10-272014-10-272007-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17942本研究旨在瞭解基隆市幼稚園外籍母親對幼兒營養教育之需求,以問卷調查法進行研究。研究對象母群體為2006年基隆市公私立幼稚園幼兒外籍母親。針對母群 體所有樣本實施問卷普查,回收有效問卷共284份。其結果,基隆市外籍母親對幼兒營養教育之需求如下:一、教育型態:以透過家人、學校老師或保健人員給予 的口頭資訊之需求最高。二、教育內容:以提供指導幼兒飲食行為問題與建議的需求程度最高。三、營養教育參與意圖:「不參加」者共有125人。四、營養教育 參與時間之需求:以「週末或週日的半天」為最多。五、不同國籍外籍母親對幼兒營養教育需求有顯著差異,以越南籍母親需求程度高於印尼籍母親需求。。The purpose of this research is to understand the need for the nutrition education of the foreign mothers in Keelung City towards the young children in kindergarten. The research was proceeded with questionnaires. The populations in this research were 300 foreign mothers in public and private kindergartens in Keelung City. All the populations were participated in this census survey. There were 284 effective questionnaires completed. The conclusion of this research was as follows: 1. The types of education favored most is the oral information to be provided by family, school teachers or nursing staff. 2. The content of the education required most is the instruction and the suggestion of the diet behavior for the young children. 3. 125 foreign mothers chose not to attend the class for the nutrition education for their young children. 4. Those who chose to attend the class prefer the class to be held on weekends or on the half day of Sunday. 5. The need of the nutrition education of the foreign mothers showed significantly different due to their nationalities. The ones of Vietnam were higher than those of Indonesia.幼兒幼稚園外籍母親營養教育需求Foreign motherKindergartenNeeds for nutrition educationYoung children基隆市外籍母親對幼兒期營養教育需求調查he Need Survey of Childhood Nutrition Education for the Foreign Mothers in Keelung City