黃 城Huang, Chen黃昭明Chao-ming Huang2019-08-282016-2-222019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0895100110%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85749本研究選擇三家不同產業性質的台資企業(聯新、長庚、明基)在上海、廈門及南京設立醫院來比較其經營策略,希望透過文獻分析、深度訪談及個案研究等方法,探討台資企業赴大陸投資醫療產業的風險及經營管理策略,並對未來有意赴陸投資醫院的台資企業提出策略分析建議。 本研究以進入策略、Porter 五力競爭模型、SWOT 分析等理論來探討並建構研究架構,運用質性研究著重資料特殊性與意義的特色,表現研究結果的內涵與意義;並訪談醫療業務主管、台籍與陸籍學者專家、政府官員及少量正在就醫病患等以瞭解個案醫院經營策略與實況。研究結果發現,台資醫院的進入策略多從自己企業本身的優勢出發,利用自己熟悉的條件進行選址,而大陸醫院與台灣醫院的經營管理模式不同,加上兩岸對醫療產業特性的認知仍有極大差距,也影響經營策略的擬定。在團隊組成方面,研究發現不具醫療產業背景的企業欲赴陸投資醫院,必須倚賴專業醫療團隊,但在大陸網羅優秀醫師具實質困難度,兩岸醫事人員的培訓制度與價值觀也仍需時間磨合,在進行策略擬定時亦須考量投資成本與當地居民的就醫習慣。透過訪談,研究結果亦證實經營大陸官方良好關係確實對醫院設立與經營有極大幫助,而大陸醫療覆蓋仍低,台資企業雖然存在機會,但應視市場區域的差異性滾動式調整其投資資源配置。 對已在大陸的台資醫院而言,本研究建議與其等待大陸改革「以藥補醫」的情況,更應主動思考合理收費制度,同時運用影響力,催生兩岸醫藥ECFA,讓台灣藥品可以免稅專案進口供台資醫院使用。對兩岸醫療政策來說,兩岸相關單位似可認真思考開放台籍人士赴陸習醫資格認定,同時儘速就醫師職稱對照進行協商。The research summarizes comparisons among operating strategies of three hospitals located in Shanghai, Xiamen and Nanjing respectively, which were owned and operated by Taiwanese enterprises in different sectors (Landseed, Chang Gung and BenQ). We would like to investigate and clarify the operating risks and management strategies of Taiwanese healthcare business in Mainland China through literature analyses, depth interviews and case studies etc., and propose strategy analysis recommendation to Taiwanese enterprises which contemplate to invest or start up healthcare business in Mainland China. The three hospitals (Landseed, Chang Gung and BenQ) located in Shanghai, Xiamen and Nanjing different in nature were chosen to compare managing strategies. Through the methods of research analysis, thorough interviews and case studies,the author analyzes the risks for Taiwanese-investing companies in China medical industry as well as operating strategies. Then the author proposes strategy analysis recommendation to Taiwanese enterprises which contemplate to invest or start up healthcare business in Mainland China. The research adopts the theory of entrance strategy, Porter five forces analysis and SWOT analysis to establish research structure. By the qualitative research which emphasizes the specific characteristics and instinct meaning of data, and display the intension and meaning of the research results. The author also take interviews with business executives in healthcare industry, Taiwanese and Chinese scholars and experts, government officers and some patients, and explore the business strategies and current situations of the selected cases. The research outcomes reveal Taiwanese enterprises tend to start up their healthcare business with their existing advantages, and decide to establish the site on city or district they are familiar with. The operating and management strategies of Taiwanese hospitals are different from those of Chinese ones, and there is a huge gap in cognition about characteristics of healthcare sector between the two countries. Both the differences do influence the making of operating strategies. As for the composition of team staff, we found investors without healthcare sector background must rely on professional healthcare management team, but it is truly difficult to recruit excellent doctors, and it takes time to compromise the training programs and culture of healthcare staff. So, investors should consider the investment costs and medical customs when making the strategies. The research also proves fine relationships with Mainland China official authorities are very helpful to the establishment and operation of a hospital. The penetration rate of healthcare industry is still low in Mainland China, although Taiwanese enterprises have good opportunities in the industry, but should change the allocation of investment resources according to differences of individual market region. For those had operated Taiwanese hospitals in Mainland China, we advise the investors would rather draw up reasonable medical service charge mechanism, than just sit and wait for authorities’ reformation of “compensation system for the medical cost through drug-selling profits”. At the same time, Taiwanese enterprises can make use of their influence to carry out the ECFA (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement) in healthcare sector, which enable Taiwanese hospitals could import medicines from Taiwan by specially approvals. Regarding with China’s strict healthcare policies Taiwanese doctors, all official Chinese authorities seem to against the professional status and titles which Taiwanese doctors have earned long time ago in Taiwan.台資醫院進入策略Porter 五力競爭模型SWOT 分析兩岸醫藥ECFATaiwanese hospitalsentrance strategyPorter five forces analysisSWOT analysisHealthcare policies between Taiwan and China大陸台資醫院的經營策略比較研究:以某三家醫療事業體為例The comparative studies of business strategies for Taiwan-funded hospitals in China:Cases studies of three types of hospitals enterprises